Family * Travel * Food

Making Sure Your Big Family Holiday Goes Off Without a Hitch

Most people have family scattered across the country. Even when they’re scattered across the state, that can still mean they’re pretty out of reach. In these situations, people find that they only get to see all of their family at things like weddings or funerals.

But why wait for either of those things to occur? Why not consider making a family reunion happen yourself? Better yet, why not arrange a family reunion vacation? These sorts of vacations are very popular in America, given the country’s sheer size and potential for great vacations.

Here’s a quick guide to getting it all set up!

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Pick a suitable resort

If you’re having a family reunion, then I imagine you’re going to be with a lot of people! This can make finding the right accommodation a little tricky. For some families, it’s a simple as going to the same hotel. This usually splits them up across the building quite a bit, though. Many families will try going to different hotels in the same area.

But to make the whole thing easier, you should probably consider resorts that expect guests to come in large packs. Thankfully, there are several of them dotted all over the country! Many of them also contain a bunch of activities for everyone, if you don’t feel like arranging all of that yourself. From golf resorts to mountain range getaways, there are plenty of places tailored to family reunions. Of course, you could eschew a resort altogether and go on a family reunion cruise across the ocean!

Arrange transport

Family reunions can get pretty darn big. And, as I’m sure you know, using public transport with a lot of people is somewhat of a hassle. In fact, even using public transport alone is usually a massive hassle!
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For this step, it really depends how far you’re going and how familiar people are with the area. If it’s close enough for everyone to take a car, then that might work out for you. But if you’d prefer to keep things as smooth as possible, you might want to consider other options. For example, you could look into renting a charter bus from somewhere like GOGO Bus Charters. That’s pretty much all the benefits of public transport with none of the negatives! (Except, of course, for the fact that one of you has to drive it!)

Keep a loose schedule

A loose schedule? Surely the key to good planning is a strict schedule? The problem with a strict schedule with this sort of vacation is that it’s destined to fall apart. Sure, you’re going to have certain things on your itinerary that you want everyone to do. But with that many people, there’s simply too much opportunity for timing to be off.

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When people are catching up with family members who they haven’t seen in years, the conversations are going to be long. People are going to be very busy catching up and taking part in the arranged activities. You’ve also got to account for the sheer variety of interests. One activity is sure to enthrall some members of the family, but other members might want to move onto something else nearby. So keep it loose and fun!


Twitter Loop Giveaway $100 Amazon GC or PayPal Cash

I've teamed up with a group of fabulous bloggers to offer a great giveaway on Twitter. The prize is the winner's choice of either a $100 Amazon GC or $100 PayPal Cash prize. I'm sure anyone would love some extra cash for the summer. Go enter now! 

All rules are here.

How I Learned To Go Out And Live Freely With Impressa #TriedImpressa

Today's post is sponsored by Poise, but all opinions are my own

I don't know what has happened to me since I turned 40. I'm not the same person I was a few years ago. I feel like a new woman crept into my body and oddly enough, I feel younger in many ways. I have a lot more confidence and spunk. I really do believe that 40 is the new 20 except.... well some things have indeed changed. I have talked about it before, but didn't fully accept it until this year. My body just isn't the same. I've had 3 children. I have endless stretch marks, cellulite, and all sorts of other physical imperfections. I have accepted that those things are a part of life and heredity.

I do have one very embarrassing issue though. I love to laugh, play and live life to fullest. I just don't appreciate the little side effect of *ahem* leaking a little pee. >>insert wide-eyed emoji here<< Yep, every time I'm hanging out with my college daughters, there is a 110% chance that a lot of laughter will be had. I ALWAYS have to cross my legs and beg them to stop their shenanigans before I pee myself. They always say, "You better make sure you have your Poise". Hmmph! Well, lucky for me, I have Poise Impressa Bladder Supports.

You may recall me talking about Impressa recently. I have had the chance to test out the different sizes to find the right fit for me. Impressa bladder supports are used like you would a tampon, except they aren't designed to absorb. Instead, they help stop leaks before they happen. Check out some of the stories in the short video:

It's the season now where many of us will be spending time outdoors and you certainly don't want your LBL (light bladder leakage) to get in your way. I love walking along the beach as often as I can all summer long and Impressa is a must have! I was in Walmart recently and I found it on rollback (excluding the sizing kit).

This was a great opportunity to stock up on my size. After trying all 3 from the sizing kit, I found that size 1 is what I needed.

I carry Impressa with me in my purse, beach/pool bag, and my travel bag. It has really helped me feel like I can laugh, play, and truly live freely. Be sure to stop by your local Walmart store and look for Poise Impressa Bladder Supports on the feminine product aisle. Start with the sizing kit so you can figure out which size works best for you.

Now you can laugh, jump, sneeze, cough, and play without fear of leaks. I encourage you to give Impressa a try to see if it works for you. Hey, it's cheaper and less embarrassing than going to the doctor. I'm glad it works for me. Have questions? Go to the FAQ's section and learn more.

Have you tried Impressa?

The 6 Best New Language Learning Apps For Your Kids Out Right Now

Guest Post

I’m sure I’m not alone when I admit that I took four years of Spanish in high school because my counselor told me to, but I can’t remember much of it now. It stuck around for a few years but gradually faded away. Kids today don’t have the option to learn a language and forget it—with a growing international economy and global connections, it is becoming so important to speak another language. Not to mention that it looks great on college and job applications, which I’m sure moms everywhere will love.

Luckily for our kids, there are so many more resources than when we were in school. One of the best resources is something your kids are probably using constantly anyway—their smartphones. Set your kids on the path to language learning success with these six great education apps:

Hello Talk (free)

Most kids love to talk, so the chance to learn a new language through conversations with a native speaker is a huge selling point. Hello Talk steps away from strict memorization and quizzes and instead connects users with native speakers around the world to practice their new language skills and get instant feedback. Hello Talk is based on a worldwide network of more than 70 data centers set up by communications company, which means that no matter where in the world you or your native speaker are, you can always have crystal-clear communication. It’s a reliable cultural experience for kids that shows them new parts of the world.
Download on iOS
Download on Android

busuu (free)

With no Internet connection required, you can access busuu anywhere and go at your own pace. Busuu works with native speakers around the world to teach languages by listening and speaking, so you can practice what you learn right after each lesson. Another great option is the streamlined learning system, which highlights the top 3000 words and 150 topics you need to know in each language, perfect if you are tight on time.

Download on iOS
Download on Android

Brainscape (free)

Brainscape doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of some of the other apps, but it does produce great results that will stick with kids. Brainscape is all about flashcards, and it has a deck of thousands of words for each of the languages it teaches. The more you get a word correct, the less frequently it appears in your deck, just like words you struggle with show up more frequently. Brainscape also customizes your response time to make the flashcards as memorable and effective as possible.
Download on iOS

Memrise (free)

This app combines proven memory techniques with content created by native speakers to create a program that can teach an amazing 44 words per hour. With learning activities varying from videos to rapid recall and more, there’s something to match everyone’s learning style. One of the best features about Memrise is that it covers more than 100 languages, ranging from Arabic to Icelandic, and even languages from your favorite books and movies.
Download on iOS
Download on Android

Duolingo (free)

For game-loving kids, Duolingo is the obvious choice. The lessons are short and highlight a particular grammar principle or vocabulary area. The review activities involve a variety of games, with each correct answer earning the user more points to use within the app’s virtual store. The more you learn, the more levels you achieve—you can even compete against friends and other users to see who can reach certain levels the fastest. That’s huge motivation for my friends, and I love that the program is fun and effective.
Download on iOS
Download on Android

Lingvist (free)

If your child wants to learn French, Lingvist is a great option. Watch out for more languages to come, because this app can turn anyone into a language master in just 200 hours. Lingvist aims to teach practical, usable words and grammar skills and then apply them to situations where you may actually find yourself. The app also adjusts based on your learning progress to help you be as successful as possible.
Download on iOS
Download on Android

As the world continues to get more connected, learning a second (or third) language will become more important than ever. And thanks to mobile technology, it’s never been easier to learn something new. Put your kids on the path to global success with these great apps.

Are your kids learning a language right now?


3 Ways To Manage Your Child's Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory condition that affects adults and children around the world. If it’s not controlled or managed effectively, it has the potential to be life threatening. So if your child has recently been diagnosed as asthmatic, you will be eager to do all you can to help them. While stocking your cupboards with asthma medication is an excellent start, there are other things you can do too. Read through these three easy ways to manage your child’s asthma to help them breathe easier each day.

Start a diary

Now that you know your child has asthma, it can be beneficial to start a diary to gain more understanding of their condition and it’s triggers. You can use it to note down times, days and locations when your child feels wheezy. You could also take note of what your child was doing just before their asthma symptoms began. The more you use your diary, the easier it will be to pinpoint potential triggers. You might find that exercise, pets, pollen or temperature changes are to blame. Identifying what triggers their symptoms is a key step in effective asthma management. You now know how to help your child avoid these triggers, which will make controlling their condition far easier. You can also show your diary to your doctor during checkups to help them update the asthma management plan.

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Keep their plan up to date

It’s likely that the doctor or specialist who diagnosed your child with asthma, helped you develop an asthma management plan. Each plan will vary depending on the severity of the condition. But they usually include daily medication regimes and breathing exercises. It’s important not only to stick to the instructions laid out in the plan but also to keep it updated regularly. As your child gets older, the plan might not be as effective as it once was. So schedule regular appointments with your doctor not only to check on their condition but to make necessary changes to their plan.

Get your child involved

One of the best ways to manage your child’s asthma is to get them involved. Use asthma books and leaflets that are designed for kids, which will help them to understand more about their condition. It’s important that your child knows what to do if they find it hard to breathe properly and if they come in contact with an asthma trigger. Without scaring them, convey how important it is to tell someone if are having breathing trouble and to take their medication. If they know what symptoms to look out for, this will help them alert you or another adult before an attack can occur. You should also get them into the habit of remembering to take their asthma medication with them wherever they go.

For more information on how to help keep your child’s asthma under control, make an appointment with your doctor. They should be able to answer any questions you have while also giving you advice and guidance. If your child is ever in respiratory distress, act quickly and call the emergency services as soon as possible.

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