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My latest homemaking find: Bounce Ironing Spray

I recently stumbled upon a product while I was shopping in Publix and knew I had to try it out. It is Bounce Ironing Spray. It's supposed to remove wrinkles as you iron and give a starched feel. The bonus is the signature Bounce freshness. I put it to the test on some of my hubby's shirts. I like the spray bottle instead of an aerosol can. It does not flake or leave any residue and his shirts had that starched feel which he really loves. 
The best part was the fresh scent of clean laundry. I have been ironing garments in batches and noticed that the Bounce scent stays on for days. If you are a fan of that fresh laundry straight out of the dryer scent, then I recommend you try this! Oh, and you must actually iron clothes :) I will warn you though, you have to use this in an open area because the scent can be overwhelming. If you get to try it, let me know what you think. 


Kindergarten update: William loves school!

We are into our second week of the school year and so far, so good! William walked into the school last week with the biggest smile on his face and was full of excitement to be in big boy's school. We were lucky to have met his teacher and teaching assistant a couple weeks before school at kindergarten camp. I really think the camp was a great benefit to help break him into being in school. He goes to bed without argument and wakes up on his own. It's nice to have a 5 year old boy wake up each morning fully rested and excited to start his day. We have a very simple routine in the morning and he has already gotten into the groove of things. We walk him into school each morning and let him lead us to his classroom. He knows how to get there but being a curious little boy, he gets a little sidetracked sometimes. Daddy insists that he needs to prove he can get to his class on his own before he is allowed to go into the school by himself. I don't have a problem with that. It's nice walking into the school each morning and seeing all of the warm smiles and welcoming good morning greetings from the staff and other parents.

I have gotten positive feedback from his teacher and look forward to keeping close communication throughout the school year. We are so lucky to have such wonderful educators. Of course I have signed up to volunteer to help out with pretty much everything! I did so much when the girls were in elementary school and got to see what an asset parental participation is to not only the student, but also to the teacher and other students. My first volunteer job will be picture day next week and I am really looking forward to it! It's a good way for me to get to know some of William's classmates.

When I pick William up each afternoon, I ask him what the best part of his day was. He always starts off with, "We went to the playground two times!". He hasn't learned all of his classmates' names quite yet, but knows his main teachers and some of the related arts teacher's names. He just loves P.E.. His coach is the same one that his sisters had throughout the elementary years. It has been wonderful seeing a lot of familiar faces at the same school I spent countless hours in. We feel like William is going to thrive in kindergarten and the rest of his elementary school career. Oh, by the way, I did NOT cry on the first day of school! I didn't even have any anxiety or fear. I guess I feel like he is right where he belongs. I look forward to sharing more about his kindergarten adventures. Thanks for reading!

TIME for Kids Dinosaurs 3D book review

If you have been reading my blog for a while now, you would know how much my son loves dinosaurs. He knows most dinosaurs by their name and even if they are a carnivore, herbivore or omnivorous. William even calls himself a dinosaur explorer. When we received the book from Time for Kids entitled "Dinosaurs 3D", he was beyond excited. It was neat to get to wear 3D glasses to read a book. 
William wasn't sure what he was in for since he had never looked in a 3D book before. He was in for a treat. 

He was in amazement when he saw his favorite dinosaurs looking like they were about to jump right off of the page! He kept saying, "Wow! This is amazing!" He recognized almost all of the dino's and wanted us to read the facts to him. I took a look through the book and felt as if I was right there with them. It was very cool!
The neat part about this book was the extra pair of glasses that was included to have a friend (or parent) share the book with you. My husband and son were in awe of all the cool pictures and learning some interesting facts about the dinosaurs.

This has become William's favorite new book and he has already requested to take it for show and tell at school. I am sure his friends will love it too! Although the book is recommended for ages 8 and up, my dino-loving 5 year old is getting so much out of it and is always asking to learn more. You can purchase this book on Amazon. It makes a great birthday, holiday or 'just because' gift!

Saving Money on Teaching Your Kids How to Play Music

Parents know just how beneficial it can be for their children to learn how to play a musical instrument. Once the costs start adding up, however, it becomes clear just how expensive it can be as well. Between buying an instrument and paying for lessons, music can be far more costly a hobby than it might appear at face value.

The fact is, there are plenty of ways in which you can help your child to learn how to sing or play an instrument without going broke in the process, some of which are more apparent than you might think.

Shop for Used Instruments

The initial costs associated with learning how to play an instrument can be staggering. Even beginner instruments can range in the thousands of dollars when purchased new, and it's an awfully large investment to make when you aren't positive whether or not your child will continue to be interested in playing as time goes on. One way to lessen the blow to your bank account when shopping for an instrument is to consider buying used. Used instruments are perfect for beginners, as they allow novice musicians to get a feel for learning how to play without having to plunk down a great deal of money up-front. When shopping for used instruments, be sure to work with a reputable dealer who will be able to provide you with the right options; Craigslist and eBay should be avoided unless you are well-versed on instrument buying.

Take to the Internet

Paying for lessons can be excessively expensive over time. Since most instructors like to see their students once per week, you can expect to spend anywhere between $80 and $160 per month on music lessons for your child alone if you take the traditional route. The Internet, however, has made learning how to play music far less expensive and more accessible to those who are on a tight budget. Online guitar tutorials, theory lessons and more can be found for free or cheap on the Internet, and allow your child to work at his or her own pace. You can even create your own program for your child if you have a fair amount of knowledge about playing music yourself by pulling together information found on the web and tailoring it to their interests in ways that are not often seen in a traditional instruction format.

Go to Free Concerts

As with anything else in life, there's no substitute for real-world experience. You can spend hours in a practice room, but it'll be extremely difficult to learn the finer points of live performance without going to concerts regularly. Concerts can be expensive, however, and sometimes they aren't suitable for children. On the other hand, just about every fair-sized city offers a free concert series during the summer, with genres ranging from pop to rock to classical. Taking your children to one free concert per week is a great way to help them internalize what it is to be a performing musician - something they're not likely to learn while practicing at home. Contact your local town hall for more information on free concerts that are scheduled in your area.

While helping your child learn to play music can be a costly venture, it doesn't have to be if you take the right approach.


8 Tips for Halloween shopping online

By Scott Fitterman of

1. Maximize value with online coupons: When purchasing Halloween costumes, decorations, and candy online always search for coupon codes to save money. Make sure to review your final checkout screen before you make your purchase. Be sure to confirm the items in your checkout are correct and that your promotional codes have been applied.

2. Stay Current. Make sure your results are the most up-to-date discounts and codes online. Take note of any expiration dates for discounts and use discount websites to help you locate the newest deals for a particular merchant.

3. Take advantage of Cash back: Some websites earn commissions from sales made through the site and can share their commissions with you in the form of cash back. It’s just like a cash back credit card. You can earn cash back from thousands of online merchants. If you’re not shopping through a cash back site, you’re throwing money away.

4. Exercise caution when combining coupons with cash back: You can use online coupons and combine the savings with cash back features for extra value, but exercise caution. Some coupon codes disqualify the order for cash back benefits, so read the cash back site’s coupon details very carefully.

5. Make sure you’re really getting a deal on all your Halloween essentials: Most of the time stores offer actual discounts, but as with all things you should do your due diligence and check online to determine how good the price really is.

6. Compare Sites. If you know the exact Halloween Costume you want to buy for October, it pays to shop around at different online retailers to compare prices. Some sites help consumers by providing a list of all online stores in a particular category.

7. Pay attention to shipping costs.  Some retailers make up their low prices by adding costs to the shipping. Be sure you're getting the lowest possible overall price, by double checking your shipping.

8. Exclusivity Pays. Research before you buy to find coupon or cash back websites that offer consumers exclusive online deals for Halloween. If you don’t search before your buy, you may miss it.

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