Family * Travel * Food

Random things

I had to run to the pharmacy yesterday and could not pass up the after-Valentine's clearance. I have a rule that we wait until after particular occasions or holidays to buy candy. The kids don't mind waiting. Look what we got for $3! You can't beat that 75% off sale!!

I made this fantastic lasagna the other day. Snuck some spinach in it and nobody noticed. I think they thought it was Italian parsley or something.

This salad was so good. Greek salad with French dressing (that's how the family likes it) Hey, we are International.

Now last thing is the kids and I have all been sick with a cold. It's been one of those lingering nasty kind of cold. I have been lucky to not get hit too hard so of course I have been taking care of the crew. Dwayne walked in from work yesterday and was saying how we all smelled very mentholated, like Vaporub. He said to me in his joking way "You know Vaporub is not perfume right?" I wanted to slap him but just gave him "the look" and asked "Dwayne, why are you the only one in the house that's not sick???"

Magnificent Monday

** A letter to my FB Accountability Group, Just wanted to share with MOMFILES family**

I just want to wish everyone a great week. Keep striving for those goals by pushing yourself. This is only the second month of the year. You are not trapped by your present circumstances regardless of how things look right now. We are all products of our choices, and together we are choosing to be great. It is now time to ACT on that little feeling you have deep down within. You know what I am talking about. That little feeling may be different for all of us, but it will make all our lives much richer and happier. It is time for you to ACT. The first thing you must do is define what you want by reevaluating the blueprint of your life. Are you meeting the expectations you have for yourself? Are your expectations realistic? What will it take to enjoy your life? The next thing you have to do is write your goals down. Finally, you must read your goals over and over, and over and over, and over and over again. You must program yourself for your success. Every single day, you are bombarded by advertising messages from others trying to get inside your head. Why not get your personal message there! It is time to ACT! Let’s break the patterns that have held us back from getting what we want. If you need any coaching, do not hesitate to ask. It is time to Act! It is time to feel ALIVE!

To Your Success,

Dwayne Ismail

GladWare winner...

The winner of the Gladware containers is Tracy!! Thanks for your nice comment and Dwayne feels so special that you are so entertained by his antics. This seems to be the trend with our Momfiles readers and Dwayne if you are reading this, NO you won't get paid because everyone likes you. ha ha! Thanks to everyone else who participated. It feels good to be loved :)


With a title like that I am sure you know who I am about to start talking about. What is wrong with my husband?? Seriously, this Vent Day Wednesday thing is getting out of control. Dwayne sneaks his butt in the office and gets on the computer to do what I think is to check email, blog, website... really he is watching the Vent Day videos and laughing himself to tears. Oh and he watches them over and over and laughs even harder! He has disturbed the baby from sleeping many of nights. What do I do with him!? I thought our Vent day was for just that...VENTING, not the Dwayne and Shelly variety show. Seriously, he is insane! For instance, telling everyone to email me about talking to my white blood cells. He has this Dwayne theory that you must talk to your white blood cells (WBC as She Needs says ) when you feel ill. *WTF?* He has to walk around the house like a drill Sargent motivating his WBC troops to battle. He says he does not take medication, he sends in reinforcements to help out on the front line. Coughing to him is the Army fighting a ground battle and sneezing is the Air Force battle. Now in all this foolishness he does say one thing right. Dwayne always recommends resting when the battle is taking place. However, the most obnoxious part is that he rewards his WBC's after the battle is won. He actually pats himself on the back, and drinks hot ginseng tea. He say he gives his WBC's a nice rewarding jacuzzi bath for a job well done. What can I say the guy is crazy, but there must be something to his madness. Because like he says, he rarely gets sick. Go figure.

Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to this week's edition of Vent Day Wednesday. Enjoy the foolishness and remember to hit us up in the comments with your vents.


Teachers are the best

Today the parents at my girls' middle school are doing a luncheon for all the teachers for Valentine's Day. The theme is a soup and salad lunch and the volunteer coordinator rounded up moms to get their crock pots ready! I volunteered to make my famous chili that my family so loves. The girls say "it tastes so good, makes you wanna slap yo mama!" Can you guess who might have taught them that one?? I had to let the family 'sample' the chili to be sure if would be safe for the teachers. Well it passed their test and they asked if we could just keep it for ourselves and say I forgot today was the luncheon. Sneaky little devils!

I also baked cornbread muffins since my kids refused to let me buy pre-made ones. I had to label them so they would keep their greedy hands off! Dwayne still thought he was getting one. He says how would the teachers know there was one missing? Typical Dwayne. He was mad at my label. ha ha!! Dwayne, you can talk about me tomorrow for Vent Day Wednesday.

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