Family * Travel * Food

Vent Day Wednesday

Here is our second episode of Vent Day Wednesday. Thanks to everyone that visited last week and took time to comment or call. I'm glad you all see what a fool Dwayne is. Please be sure to leave us a comment on what is bugging you. Remember, this is Vent Day Wednesday!! **Oh yeah, I could not be in this week's video so my daughter Chardonnay filled in. She is great on camera! Enjoy and don't forget to hit us up in the comments...


Snow day but no actual snow

We had yet another day off today from school and work. It was deemed a 'snow day'. We woke up to a light coating of snow all over the cars, trees and rooftops. We were all excited about it and were enjoying watching those gorgeous flakes fall so gently. Fast forward.....2 hours later, it all melted and the we watched the flurries come to a sad halt. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and we enjoyed a free day off to watch the Inauguration together as a family. South Carolina weather, gotta love it! I hope everyone is having a great day and to my Northern friends, bundle up!

William update 10 months old.

How can this be?? Every time I turn around this little boy is getting to be not so little anymore! Can you believe it, 10 months old already! The older he gets, the more I see his wild side coming out. He is just like his Papo (HELP!!!!) What can I say, he's a happy, healthy and very active little boy. You sure can tell there is a man in that little body of his just by observing his actions. He about wears me out each day and the fact that he barely naps in the daytime makes for a nice long slumber each night. It has been so much fun for Dwayne, myself and the girls to watch William grow each day. I think a favorite thing that we all love about him is his 1,000 expressions he makes. Here are some photos after he had a snack sitting on his high chair. Enjoy!

This last photo is just for you Tanyetta! Did you actually think I would not have one with the tongue sticking out?!


Flashback Friday

This is me when I was 4 years old. I got this dress for Christmas and I thought it was the most amazing dress a girl could have. I wanted to wear it everyday, even to bed!
Here I am senior year in high school, age 17 and a whole 91 pounds!! Check out the white stocking and white flats. How exactly did that go with a Summer skorts/dress I will never know. I was rockin' the big hair too! Ah, 1991 was a good year!

Vent Day Wednesday

Here is our second edition of Vent Day Wednesday. This is the actual video that we should have posted last week but we had major technical malfunctions. I just need to explain something quickly so you don't think we are idiots (at least not me that is). Einstein failed to set the digital camera on memory card and instead set it to internal memory. This lead to the last 8 seconds of video being cut off since the camera stopped so abruptly. Thanks Dwayne (consider that one a mini vent) We hope you all enjoy this very entertaining video and remember to hit is up in the comments with your vents...


Dwayne- New BLYA Logo

Hello to all my fans... I would like to thank the academy and... oops I'm sorry wrong post. I was day dreaming about my Hollywood acceptance speech. (I know Shelly is saying yeah right!) You will see baby, one day I will be a star. However, until then please jump over to BLYA and give your opinion of the new logo. I like comments, good comments, bad comments, any comments, sexy comments because hey I am so sexy (DWAYNE! finish your post and get off my blog! -says Shelly).

Well check out the the logo and give me your 2 cents.

Take care and have a great day.

Sing with me... I'm too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts... (Everybody sing)

DWAYNE!!! said by Shelly.

Okay, I'm out...holla at me!
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