Family * Travel * Food

It's Tacky Day!

It is spirit week at the girls' school and yesterday's theme was "Tacky Day". My girls LOVE that day! Briahnna loves it mostly because she says "YES! I can finally wear what I want!" Yep, my baby has a little natural tackiness in her and we love her for that. She does not understand why you have to match. I let her wear whatever she wants as long as she is covered, appropriate for the weather, and is comfy. Can adults have tacky day too? lol!


Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Don'tcha hate it when...

  • you have been seeing previews of a show you've been longing to watch and when you do finally see it you are so disappointed. Example: Jon & Kate plus 8 wedding. Not the romantic tear jerker I was looking forward to at all.

  • hubby laughs at you because your show was a bust.

  • you have to make a $175 payment and the vendor tells you to make a deposit (fair enough right? WRONG!!!) They say $150 minimum deposit, huh??? Might as well pay the entire amount at one time!

  • you scrape the roof of your mouth from eating too much of something that you shouldn't mess with in the first place.

  • people are stressing out about what to buy for Christmas when they need to be thinking of those that have to go without the basic necessities (victims of foreclosure, loss of home due to destruction, job loss, etc...) It annoys me and believe me, life freakin' goes on after the 25th. I promise.

Well, I got may say and now you take a turn. Hit us up in the comments!


8 months old already!

Oh no!! I am always sad to do these month by month posts. It's a reminder that the little guy is growing up and each day he changes and does new things. His favorite person? DaDa. Forget the fact that I am with him ALL DAY LONG. DaDa makes him light up and laugh. Well, he started saying Mama so I guess I am happy. Now of course he only says that when he is fighting sleep and crying. All of you moms out there that claimed there would be the whole mother and son thing, NOT! He is all about his dad. William finally got his bottom teeth! I hope the drooling will start to slow down a bit. He can sit on his own for up to an hour and play independently. This buys me time to actually get things done. He loves watching me cook and clean the kitchen so that is added time to get things done. He is an all around happy and funny baby boy. I am really loving the not having to do hair, matching, or worrying much. Boys are pretty cool... Stinky, but cool.
He's so charming too! Look at that face. The ladies can't resist it!!
I don't know what it is about the tongue thing! He has been doing that since birth! He can touch his tongue to the tip of his nose! Of course Papo thinks that is so cool. *shaking head*

It's Monday and I got ....NOTHING!

**Apologies ahead of time to you good parents that are big into saving the earth. I do care about the earth, I'm just human.**

I know this is an odd subject but I was wondering this: Do you use the kind of paper towels that are regular full-sized sheets or the select-a-size type sheets? I did a little test at home to see which ones would last longer. I have found that if I use a standard size roll it lasts about 3-4 days. The select-a-size roll lasts about 7-8 days. Most people don't like the select-a-size rolls but I LOVE them in my house. If we have the full-sized sheets I make the family rip it in half to begin with so they are used to the size (I know, cheap..oh well). I mean, why waste and entire sheet on something so tiny?

Which paper towels do you prefer full-size or select-a-size?

*I told you it was Monday and I had nothing!

It's the weekend BaBy!!!

This is what the boy behaves like with his father. Of course Papo is so proud.
Everyone have a great weekend and be safe :P


The Ped Egg

Has anyone out there ever tried the Ped Egg? I am one of those zany people that I want one but I am very skeptical and hate to waste my money. Of course on their website you can read customer testimonials, but for some reason I feel better getting the real from actual people I know or correspond with.

So if you have tried this product, what do you think? Did it actually work and would you recommend it to others?
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