Family * Travel * Food

Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Don'tcha hate it when....
  • you get in the self checkout lane at the store (especially during the busier hours) and you get behind a "first timer" that not only does not know what she is doing, but dares to have like 20 items over the limit. Idiot.
  • you buy something today (open it up and use it) only to find it on clearance the next day.
  • you get all showered, dressed up, and pretty then your precious baby spits up all over you.
  • you neatly pack up a box for shipping to someone special and after you tape it up, you realize you forgot to put the card in the box.

Well, I want everyone too see that I did not use my Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday to trash talk my hubby. **Of course this has nothing to do with that FAT bonus check you have sitting in the bank that I am forbidden to touch even though it's calling my name

Now folks, it's your turn to let us know what drives you mad. Hit us up in the comments...


Do you have a tattoo?

Do you have a tattoo? Well, both Dwayne and I have one. Actually he has more than one but you can say it is a cluster of them. I got mine about 7 years ago when we were down in Miami. Our state (South Carolina) did not allow tattooing at that time. As a matter of fact, it has been about 2 years now since the law was passed legalizing tattooing. I guess when you live in a conservative Southern state, that's just how it is.

The day Dwayne and I went to get my tattoo was really exciting. Nobody thought I would go through with it. I already knew exactly what I was getting and where. I took into consideration that it had to be in a place that could easily be covered up when it was inappropriate. I got Dwayne's name in my right ankle. I know some of you are gasping and saying "What in the world were you thinking getting a man's name on your body?" Perhaps it was a crazy move on my part, but I don't regret it. We both look at it as a tribute to the struggles we went through to be together and how long we have come (20 years).
*Dwayne's says "S C B" on the top for the girls & myself. He will eventually get one for William.
As my crazy hubby says, at least if he ever passed away, I could still find another Dwayne. He on the other hand would be out of luck finding another Sheliza! And the only other Sheliza we know would never be able to deal with Dwayne. ha ha!
What do you think of tattoos? If you have one, where is it and what is it of? Please share :-)

Could you live off of fast food?

This week has been a very hectic week for me. I have had several events that I have had to attend or drop off/pick up children to and from. This has lead to us eating out for 2 days. Now this is very unusual for my family since I cook daily and take the occasional Friday night off. Yesterday Chardie looked at me as she placed the last bite of her chicken sandwich in her mouth and said "Bawbi, I think I am done with fast food for a good while now". I agreed with her. We discussed how we don't think we would ever be able to live off of fast food for more than a couple days (in extreme circumstances). We know a lot of working families that eat out every day of the week and I don't know how they do it! It is amazing the things you can make at home with minimal ingredients, very economically at that. One sad thing is our nation will continue to develop heart disease and high blood pressure because of how enticing fast food dollar menus look on folks' pocketbooks.

Do you eat out a lot? Could you and your family live off of fast food?

Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Don'tcha hate it when... (Sheliza)

  • you get the opportunity to shop on another person's dime and can't find a single thing you want?
  • you go take take the last sip of your what was once steaming hot coffee and it's cold. UGH!
  • you have like a couple dozen blog stalkers that visit everyday, yet have never left a single comment?
  • the day you actually order fast food (cause you were craving those crispy fries) and you get home and guess what? No fries.
  • you try to sneak and get some crispy fries (because if the whole family knew you would end up spending like $30) and you still end up getting caught. Now I look like the bad mom.

Don'tcha hate it when....(Dwayne)

  • you need 5 more minutes of sleep and all you can hear is your wife yelling your name..Example "DWAYNE? - DWAYNE?! .. Get Up!!!"
  • after you don't get up, your wife strategically places coffee next to the bed and stirs the cup like it's an Olympic event.
  • your wife finally gives up trying to wake you up, and you think you can get 5 more minutes to sleep, and then the dog starts barking. (I think my wife taught him that). Y'all say it with me .. Now that's some BullS%#t!
  • your wife smiles when you say 'OK OK I'm up'.

Don'tcha hate it when.... (Sheliza)

  • your hubby thinks he can use hate it when Wednesdays to bash his perfect wife.
  • your dumb ass hubby has the nerve to complain that the coffee is cold by the time he finally gets out of the bed.

Alright, we better stop before things get too ugly around here. Y'all know what to do, hit us up in the comments...


blog slacking

Hey Y'all...
I have been so bad at keeping up with the blog for the past few days. I guess you can say that I have been doing the mom thing so that has been my #1 priority. Having a 6 month old baby keeps my hands full and I never want that to affect my other children. I am a mom first before anything else. Oh, and if you had the husband I have, you would see how tough my job can be! Speaking of the hubby, please check out his blog. I have also been trying to help him get it together so be sure to show some love. I have some interesting topics I want to throw your way so be sure to keep checking in on me. We will have some good ones for tomorrow's Don'tcha hate it when... Wednesday. I am also going to have my daughters featured as guest writers so that will be very interesting. The are nicknamed little Shellys so who knows what might be in store! Dwayne, BEWARE!! I hope everyone has a successful day!
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