Family * Travel * Food

4 O'Clock in the morning.. Ramblings

I was just awaken from a dream of the past that I find interesting. I will not bore you with the dream, but I will tell you the conclusion. I discovered from this dream that I can put undue pressure on myself by being overly protective. I tend to shield those I care about from natural processes that they must go through on their journey of life. An example from my dream was my Grandmother. I always saw her as the queen of our family. In my eyes she could do nothing wrong. In our family, I subconsciously assumed the role as head knight. I would defend our family from anyone or anything that threatened our existence. The problem with that is I never gave room for my Grandmother to make a mistake. Through mistakes we learn, through mistakes we grow, through mistakes we develop, and through mistakes we gain wisdom. Many of the battles I fought were unnecessary. Many of my perceived battles were only mistakes on my Grandmothers natural path of learning, growing, and understanding.

I discovered from this dream, that even with my best intentions, I must move out of the way.

Sorry for any grammatical errors - Hey it's 4 in the morning!!


Back to school today

Well today is the day. The girls are all packed up and shipped off, I mean sent back to school. No matter how old they get I can't resist taking that first day of school photo. They are both especially excited because they are at the same school again. Unfortunately it is just for one year and then I will be split between middle & high school. Here are a couple shots of them all ready for their first day.

Of course Briahnna has to have her signature silly shot.


Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Don'tcha hate it when....
  • people that make a reasonable income with no kids complain about their finances. Get a second job!
  • people assume that because you're a stay-at-home mom that you can run all their errands for them in the daytime.
  • you have to share your Milano cookies with your kids. Hey, they have their own snacks..leave mine alone!
  • you get your child's favorite shows theme song gets stuck in your head. Glad High School Musical died down with the kids cause I was going nuts with that one!
  • your husband should be getting ready for work and he's sitting there watching Blue's Clues like it's CNN.
  • when your hubby needs to be pulling the trash bin out to the curb but he's too busy watching Arthur.

It's your turn now... what bugs you? Hit us up in the comments!


Getting ready for school

The girls head back to school on Thursday so I have been busy busy busy getting school stuff taken care of. We were smart by shopping early to not have to make the last minute dash but there was still registration day, volleyball tryouts, shopping for lunchbox stuff and practicing getting to bed early. As far as the getting to bed early, let's just say mommy and daddy don't have a problem with that. The girls... you should hear all the chatter and laughter going on for 2 hours after they supposedly go down for the night. Makes me remember when my sister and I were that age, we did the same thing. Yeah, my mother always said I would get my share of all what I have done. I get my little doses here and there.

We had to pay fees for the girls at registration. I thought I was stroking a check to pay for tuition to a private school! Can you believe that if your kid takes an honors class that gives you high school credit (if you pass with at least a B average) you have to pay for it? I thought they actually have to earn the credit! I better stop complaining and know that it all goes to a good cause, my kids' education.

I am going to miss those knuckle heads while they are at school. I was so lucky to have 2 extra sets of hands with the baby. Speaking of baby, he weighs almost 20 pounds now! He's in size 4 diapers. The bigger the size, the fewer in the package. Not fun. I know the girls will miss their little brother and he will miss them too.

The hubby has to finish getting my car prepared for my school year job as a chauffeur. You know what, I would not not have it any other way. I love taking the girls to school and picking them up. I love to listen to them telling me all about what happened in school all day. The sweetest thing is they always ask me first how my day was. Okay, now I don't want them to go back~!

Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

Okay, I have been slacking so here it goes...

Don'tcha hate it when...
  • You make an extravagant meal that took hours to cook and your family enjoys it. Then you make a 1/2 hour meal and the family is raving as if they were eating steak and lobster.
  • Your hubby is actually right. Damn.
  • Your baby boy discovers he has "boy parts". Now I have to look at him and the hubby grab their parts. Not attractive.
  • Your children bring up your faults in front of company. I don't recall ever saying that I was perfect to begin with.

My list could go on but that would make me sound bitter LOL! What bugs you? Hit us up in the comments...

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