Family * Travel * Food

Got Milk?

I am NOT a fan of milk but I do know how much I need to drink it during pregnancy. In order to make it appealing, I add Hershey's Strawberry syrup to 2% milk and it MUST be in a wine glass. My kids stay on me about drinking milk so I really would not have a choice anyway. I will "milk" all the attention I get from them while I can because once the baby is here I will be just plain old mom again. Oh well, I will be a princess while I can!

Caution...Baby Bump!

Here is a photo of me that was taken about 5 days ago. From the front you almost can't tell that I am expecting, but it is quite obvious from the side. I am 12 weeks along and feeling fantastic! If it was not for seeing the baby on the monitor and hearing the heartbeat...oh yeah and my new fat belly...I would not believe I was pregnant. Thanks to all my friends and family that call me or email all the time just to ask how I am feeling. It means so much. Even my bloggy buddies have been very interested in my new adventure. I think it is because everyone wants me to spit out a Dwayne Jr. and see what he will be like. We all know he is insane so if we have a boy...oh gosh, I will be committed to a mental ward!!! Imagine Dwayne and a "Mini Me". HELP!!!! On a serious note, thanks everyone for being so supportive.

Who is eating for two?

This awfully fantastic photo was shot by the master photographer and daughter of ours, Briahnna. Normally I would scream if you were taking a photo of me while I was eating, but in this case I am glad it happened. As you all can tell, me and my hubby were chillin' on the couch watching the evening news while eating ice cream as an after dinner treat. Notice I am eating out of a dainty tea cup and then Dwayne is eating out of the carton. Now it is my understanding that pregnant women eat for two, right? How many others is Dwayne eating for?!! Looks like he is sporting the baby bump instead of me! You gotta love the biggest kid in your life, your hubby! Look how serious he looks! LOL!!!


On Sunday our family attended the USC Women's volleyball game here in Columbia. Our girls were a part of the ball crew. Their job was simple, keep your eyes out for the balls and pass them along to the next crew member so they players always had a ball ready when they are. Dwayne and I had to brace ourselves because these women were VERY strong athletes and we just knew one of the girls were going to get smacked by a loose ball. Luckily they managed not to get hit and made it through. Girls, if you are reading this... note to self: never turn my back! Check out a clip.


Free coffee sample

Please, when you get your free coffee sample in the mail...enjoy every last drop because pregnant women can't!! I still have like 3 or 4 ounces in the morning though. Bad mom!!

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