Family * Travel * Food

Blockbuster coupon

If anyone sends you this coupon via email, you might want to read this. For those of you that like to double dip (I do!) you better save yourself the embarrassment!


Condie Jr

I came across these photos of my now fifth grader Briahnna when she was in the second grade. They had a class project where each student was assigned a famous American that has made great accomplishments. She was given Dr. Condoleezza Rice. The setting for the assignment was a "wax museum". When the teacher gave the signal to start each student had to recite five important facts about their famous person. These photos are so cute! It was worth every bit of the 30 bucks I spent on the wig! She was so cute!!

What vegetable are you?

Check out this great quiz from the fine folks at Juicy Juice and Nestle. You can find out what kind of veggie you and your kids are! Then you can print up a coupon to try the new Harvest Surprise Juice. They put veggies in the juice (to trick the little ones, I'm sure)! My children and I are all sweet potatoes~!

My girls

Tonight I cooked a traditional Guyanese dish that is similar to Chinese noodles with veggies and beef. The girls thought it would be fun to break out the chopsticks. They are determined to figure out how to use them even if it took an hour to eat. They both vowed to not cheat by using a fork. It turned out to be fun for them and they went back for seconds~!


aaaahhhh!!! Snake!!!!

I had something happen to me this morning that scared me to the point that I thought I could be having a heart attack. Last night the hubby and I went to bed very late trying to get our internet and multiple digital phone lines straightened out and functional. We have been have experiencing a lot of problems with all of those things. We did not get to bed until about 2am and woke up at 6:45 cause hubby had a very important meeting to attend. Remember, I had very little sleep so I could not really see straight or comprehend things too easily. I snuck downstairs to my office to check my email like I normally do. Okay fine, I was also signing up for a couple free samples (I can't help myself!) :)

Anyway, I was getting up from my chair to walk upstairs to go on mom duty when I looked over at the trash can right next to me and this is what I saw.

~Now keep in mind, I was very sleepy and could not focus too well.

How sad that I thought it was a snake! In fact it was the old phone cord that I put in there last night. I screamed sooo loud that my kids thought there could be an intruder in the house or something just as bad. I could barely breathe for like 20 seconds. I felt so stupid afterwards. Now if my hubby was there he would have done a video blog post and probably talk so much trash about me. Now that is quite a way to wake up in the morning I have to say! I sure did not need coffee today!

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