Family * Travel * Food

WTH Wednesday

I just had to get this one out... If you know me then you know that I DON'T believe in co-sleeping or the "family bed" as I have heard it. I feel like it is especially unhealthy for your marriage and downright dangerous. Of course that is strictly my opinion and if you like sleeping in the same bed with your kid then good for you. Last night Dwayne brought the boy in our bed because he woke up because we were having a really bad thunderstorm. Normally he can only get in our bed if he is sick and having trouble breathing or he has a fever. Last night he kicked and squirmed and fought like mad. I personally like my face and ribs to be untouched while I'm sleeping. I have no idea how people do it. I really don't. It makes no sense that we have a king-sized bed and both Dwayne and I are stuck at he ends because William thinks he needs his head touching me and his feet touching his dad. He better get back in his OWN room, in his OWN bed. The end.
Shelly, Mom Files

He'll sleep anywhere!

Poor guy was sitting in his high chair when the sleepiness hit! I just had to snap a photo :)

Shelly, Mom Files

I want my toddler to stop taking naps

Sounds crazy doesn't it? I really want William to stop taking a nap each day. This kid tends to take his nap between about 2:00-3:15 (during afternoon school pick-up). Don't get me wrong, it is probably the most peaceful part of the day but the problem begins at night. The boy thinks that 10:30 and 11:00 are acceptable bedtimes. He in turn stays down late the next morning and repeats the process. I would much prefer that he wakes up at the crack (I love getting up early) and goes to bed by 8 or 9. He really does not act any differently without the nap. I guess I will just have to see how things go over the summer since the girls will be around more. He changes when others are home in the daytime so I guess time will tell!

Question: At what age did your child stop taking afternoon naps?
Shelly, Mom Files

Crazy sleeper

It got quiet so I had to go make sure the little guy was not in any trouble. This is how I found him. Of course after I snapped a couple photos, I shifted him into a more comfortable and safe position.

Shelly, Mom Files

Toddler question

So Dwayne and I have been discussing getting a toddler bed for the boy. He does just fine in the crib and surprisingly has not attempted to climb out of it. The problem is that he is so tall I fear that sooner or later he will make his way out of it and that scares me. I was wondering (since it has been forever since we had a toddler) what age a toddler should be to start sleeping in a toddler bed? Are there any specific signs I should look for to know if he is ready? I think the reason we never had problems with the girls in toddler beds was because they slept in the same room that we did. We were so young when we were first married so we lived with family for the first few years. I wonder if this is why sleep time is so different to us with William. He still goes through his phases where he will sleep through the night for 8-10 hours for weeks and then for 4 days he will wake up 3 times a night. We are almost considering setting his bed up in our room to see how he does and then send him packing back to his own room.

Please share your thoughts on this matter.

Shelly, Mom Files

Why I sleep well

For the past 5 years I have used a Memory Foam pillow to sleep at night. I have gotten so used to using one that if I skip even one night, I will be restless and wake up with a stiff neck. Even if I am traveling, I would have to take my special pillow with me. I noticed that my neck has been not feeling normal for almost two weeks. I found that my pillow was beginning to go flat. I broke down and went shopping for a new one. I got one at Kohl's for 50% off on sale. I LOVE it. I know it is a lot to spend so much for one pillow but right away I noticed a more comfortable night's rest and felt so good waking up the next day. Dwayne is going to be so mad at me for mentioning a product and not getting any "endorsement" money. Oh well, when I believe in something and love it, I am happy to share it with others. I would highly recommend this pillow if you find yourself not having a restful sleep each night. I am going to go buy one for Dwayne as a surprise since I know he is jealous of mine ;-)

Do you have a special pillow that you can't seem to live without?

Shelly, Mom Files

Do people sleep anymore?

I wonder if anyone sleeps anymore. I know I am one those rare "the minute my head hits the pillow I'm out" kind of people. I have NO problem sleeping. Now don't get me wrong, there are times that I have interrupted or broken sleep and the few rare nights that I barely get a couple hours. For the most part sleep is never an issue for me. I noticed that all across Facebook and Twitter there seems to be an epidemic of insomniacs. I see people signing off Facebook at 6 am so they can catch an hour. I am so astonished by this. I don't know how anyone can function like this every day. I am worried about some of my cyber friends that have this problem.

Are you a sufferer of insomnia? If so how do you cope with it and do you do anything to help yourself get the proper sleep your body needs?


Something happened last night that NEVER happens to me. I had not even a wink of sleep. None. Nada. Zilch. I don't know why that happened, I just could not sleep at all. Today's forecast calls for rain all day (100% chance). Great sleeping weather right? Not when you have a Hurricane Willie! Naps are rarely an option as long as he is awake. I hope I can make it through the day without losing it. I have Briahnna home today as well because she has a cold. Looks like it will be one long day.

Getting William to not wake up at night

Okay, if you read yesterday's post you would know that William was sick and waking up throughout the night. I knew I had to do something about this since this means Dwayne and I are not getting our sleep either. We do not do the pick up at night thing or the sleep in our bed thing so I had to think hard. I came up with something. As a matter of fact, it is what has worked all along. Strangely William can go 6-8 weeks sleeping perfectly through the night them Bam! He starts waking up a few times at night for about 2-3 days. I end up changing his bedding and voila, he goes back to sleeping through with no interruption. I have even found that moving his crib around to the opposite side of the room seems to do the trick. Your boy Dwayne aka "Ismail the Great" likes to call it Feng Shui. You let him tell the story he would say he made it all up on his own! I find it amazing how subtle changes can make a huge difference.

Do you have any tricks to getting your baby/toddler to sleep through the night? If so please share.
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