Family * Travel * Food

Old things can bring new memories

We have had these pretend food items since the girls were about 2 & 4. They never would let me give these items away. I have been hanging on to them for several years now. I came across them and let William check it out. He instantly grabbed a spoon and the fake spaghetti and went to town with it! He says "Mmm, yummy". We had even more than what you see pictured here in the kitchen sink but they were very girly fru-fru things like a teapot,tea cups and all things pink! Y'all know who I am married to so they had to go!

I love the fact that William can sit for about 30-45 minutes playing and learning about all the basic eating utensils and food items. He even likes to "cook". I guess the girls hung onto these things for a purpose! Watching him play with this stuff also brings back such fond memories of when the girls were little.

Shelly, Mom Files

Flashback Friday

Look at all this sweetness! William was a chubby 6 month old in this photo. I remember that gummy grin and soft, fluffy chub so well. This has to be one of my top 5 favorite photos of him.
Happy Friday friends!

Shelly, Mom Files
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