Family * Travel * Food

Daddy's the man!

We just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary!! Instead of purchasing gifts for each other, we decided to get baby stuff instead. Here is Daddy working diligently to put together the changing table (which I bought on clearance at 50% off!!!!). He looks like a BIG ole kid!

Of course he has to do his Super Dad pose to show off his hard work. Boy, you sure can hurt yourself with the tools they provide inside the box for you!

Things I miss most

Here is my list of things I miss most while being pregnant....
  1. Starbucks. I know the difference between decaf and regular so there is no tricking me.
  2. Aleve and Advil. Tylenol is like candy to me.
  3. Allegra D, I sure could use one right now!
  4. Beer and Margaritas...especially on date night at a sports bar.
  5. Complaining about my "fat" belly.
  6. Wearing normal clothing.
  7. Climbing stairs with ease.
  8. Playing (badly) volleyball, badminton, or basketball with the girls outside.
  9. Cutting grass. One of my twisted obsessions, I LOVE it!
  10. Lifting things without my family screaming at me for being hard headed.

Other than those things, I really am enjoying my pregnancy. I am enjoying the attention and care I get from even strangers in the stores. My husband has been showing a 'sensitive side' that he will deny in a minute! I feel pretty this time around. My family is spoiling me. I get many more foot and shoulder massages. I get to sit and watch nonsense on TV with my legs propped up while eating whatever I want at that time. I love getting phone calls from all my friends and family just to check on me (it means a lot).

I think I can handle pregnancy for a few more months! ;)


Super Hubby

Hey folks! I know that most of my regular readers know how I feel about my husband most of the time. I usually hear this "How do you deal with him everyday?" or "Wow, you are a good woman" or "Better you than me". Last night he proved that he was not the man everyone thinks he know, the crazy, badly behaved, outrageous, wild child kinda man we are all used to. He was Super Hubby!!! I have been having problems with my washing machine for the past couple months where I was not able to get enough cold water to flow. Eventually it came to a point that the only temperature I could get was BOILING HOT! Of course I could not wash certain things (probably anything) in water that was that hot. It turns out it was a water valve that was the culprit. I had to go to my sister's house to wash a few loads out of desperation. You do not know how significant a household appliance can be until it is down. I know it was just a week but when you have a husband and two kids (equivalent of 4 kids) you can't go that long with out doing laundry. Well, he was able to replace the part and my machine works as if it were brand new. Out of curiosity, I called a repairman to get a price and it was going to be a minimum of $55 to diagnose and about another $90 to fix. The part cost us $25 and I am sure I will pay dearly for the labor~!! So Dwayne, if you are reading, "YOU ARE THE MAN". Oh yeah, and he also replaced my shower curtain, replaced some light bulbs and batteries in the smoke detectors and then asked "What else do you need done?". Pregnancy has been the best thing that happened to me!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's day dads!! What would we do without you?! As a tribute to my wonderful husband, I thought I would do something creative this year. I decided to scrap him! You know, make a couple scrapbook pages of him! He loves being a business man and he LOVES himself so that was my starting point. Here are the pages and keep in mind I am not very talented with this kind of stuff so no making fun of me!


Romantic moment

This morning I made a lovely breakfast for the hubby. He was so excited and ready to partake! I even put his OJ in a wine glass. After he ate and took the last sip of his juice, he turned and looked at me so lovingly. He then takes my hand and says, "Girl, that was so wonderful." "I see why I married you, cause you got some serious skills in the kitchen." "Girl, I love you so much" "I love you a fat boy loves cake!" Now this man is a stupid fool! Ha Ha Ha!! ;o) I thought I was going to hear something sweet and that is what I got! I guess I must remember the pledge I took, "for better or worse" LOL!!! Gotta the love the BBCDO Founder and CEO!
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