Family * Travel * Food

Romantic moment

This morning I made a lovely breakfast for the hubby. He was so excited and ready to partake! I even put his OJ in a wine glass. After he ate and took the last sip of his juice, he turned and looked at me so lovingly. He then takes my hand and says, "Girl, that was so wonderful." "I see why I married you, cause you got some serious skills in the kitchen." "Girl, I love you so much" "I love you a fat boy loves cake!" Now this man is a stupid fool! Ha Ha Ha!! ;o) I thought I was going to hear something sweet and that is what I got! I guess I must remember the pledge I took, "for better or worse" LOL!!! Gotta the love the BBCDO Founder and CEO!


  1. Aww that was soo wonderful of you. At least he commented on the wonderful breakfast! hehe

  2. too funny - my husband is the same way: oh so happy when I make him a meal.

  3. LOL makes me greatful to be single ;op

  4. awwwwwwwwwwwwww toooooooo sweet. i think right :)


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