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First Trimester Pregnancy – The Dual Marker Test, Ultrasounds and Blood Screening

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Maternal health during pregnancy is vital to the health of the baby, and there seems to be an endless sea of tests to be undertaken during any pregnancy. If you are an older mother, particularly a first time mother over the age of 35, have any pre-existing health concerns, or have any known health or genetic issues that run in the family, you will likely find that you get poked and prodded by expert maternity healthcare specialists more often that you could ever have imagined.  

There are regular urine tests looking for protein markers and signs of the ever common urinary tract infection, blood tests that monitor your iron levels, the hideous glucose test that generally induces nausea, takes hours, but can tell if you are going to be at risk of developing gestational diabetes, and there is also the double marker test in pregnancy which can alert you early on to whether you run the risk of having a baby with serious chromosomal abnormalities – if you get the right dual marker test you can also be screened for pre-eclampsia.

First Trimester Testing

Generally, the very first test a pregnant woman undertakes is her pregnancy test, but once that comes back positive there is a barrage of tests – all to ensure the health of both mother and baby.

Ultrasound Scans and Testing

In the first trimester (from the first day of your last period through to 12 weeks after this), you will normally have a ‘dating’ scan. This is an ultrasound to confirm how pregnant you are and to give you an estimated delivery date.  This will also tell you how many babies you have growing in your uterus and confirm the position of the baby and placenta. This is not done before 6 weeks, as the fetus is too small to see.
From around 11 weeks you will be able to have a Nuchal Translucency scan (often the two scans done at the same time, but you can have a dating scan earlier). In this scan, the sonographer will measure the fluid-filled space at the back of the baby’s neck, although they will not usually interpret the results for you. The nuchal translucency scan is done as a way of checking the likelihood of the baby having a chromosomal abnormality. These can range from a more common Down syndrome which has a high survival rate, to trisomy 13 or 18 which has a very high mortality rate (and will often be an indicator for likely miscarriage).
You won’t be able to find out the sex of your baby until an anatomy scan in your second trimester (normally after 18 weeks). This will also be able to tell you, and your doctor, if there are any concerns about the way the baby’s organs and body are developing. Because this is technically about the baby’s anatomy, you may need to specifically ask your sonographer to check what the sex is (although it is not at all uncommon for baby’s to position themselves in a way that hides their genitals, denying parents an early indicator).  
An ultrasound is considered to be non-evasive (you have hopefully warm, gel placed on your belly, and the wand is run over your belly creating an x-ray like image from ultrasound waves bouncing back to the wand), and there have been no known negative effects on baby or mother, however it is still should not be used by anyone untrained, and having more than needed is not recommended.

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Blood Testing

You are unlikely to need to confirm your pregnancy with a blood test, but this can be done as part of your routine first trimester blood workup. However, your first routine blood test will confirm your blood type and Rh factor. This is important because if your blood type is Rh negative and the father of the baby has an Rh-positive blood type, your body may develop a condition in this pregnancy or future pregnancies where the mother's body sees the baby as a foreign body to be fought off (see here for more information).
You will also be tested for anemia, as low red blood count is not uncommon in pregnancy, and amongst the serious health concerns can also increase first trimester fatigue and nausea symptoms. A standard blood test will also scan for hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV, as these are all transferable to the baby.
Another testing you may consider can include your immunity to rubella and chickenpox, cystic fibrosis, thyroid conditions, fragile X syndrome, hepatitis C, and a range of other conditions. However, most people will only include these for testing if there is a confirmed risk through exposure or family history.

Dual Marker Testing

This is technically a blood test, however, the results of the double market test (or double marker + PLGF) will often be used in conjunction with the first trimester ultrasound where the mother gets her Nuchal Translucency scan to make any recommendations.
The Dual marker test is looking for the presence and levels of the hormones Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Beta hCG) and Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein (PAPP-A) in the mother's blood (research is available here).
If the results of these test indicate that there is a high risk of the baby having a chromosomal abnormality then the mother can weigh up the risks of getting a diagnostic test. Normally these are either the amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, both of which are more invasive than the blood test and to create a level of risk to the baby and the pregnancy.
Additional testing that includes detection of the PLGS is helpful in detecting the risk of pre-eclampsia in the first trimester.  Although there is no cure for pre-eclampsia, early detection can mean that healthcare professionals can assess the risk levels and provide a cause of action that can help keep both mother and baby as safe as possible throughout the pregnancy. This may be as simple as recommending that you sleep only on your left side, or may require medication, bedrest or even hospitalization.
What’s more, additional testing can help doctors detect other health issues in the expecting mother, such as vaginal infections, which can significantly up the risk of serious disability like cerebral palsy in the developing baby. Just like pre-eclampsia, cerebral palsy doesn’t have an official cure, but careful monitoring of the mother and the right medical help during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk in the child.

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Teen Plastic Surgery: How Ethical Is It?

As advancements continue to be made to plastic surgery, it becomes more and more attractive to potential patients. It's no wonder that the number of plastic and cosmetic surgeries across the United States continues to rise. Adults are receiving these surgeries at a record level, but they aren’t the only ones. Teens and young adults are also receiving plastic surgeries, which has drawn the ire of certain groups. Some argue that teens are too young to fully understand the risks and dangers of plastic surgery. This begs the question, exactly how ethical is teen plastic surgery?

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The biggest gripe people have with teen plastic surgery is the competency of the teen. Are they old enough to fully understand what they are undertaking? Are they old enough to fully understand both the risks and benefits of the surgery, as well as everything that is going to take place? There’s a reason why minors are typically barred by U.S law from entering things such as contracts, as the vast majority of minors lack the competency to make their own decisions when it comes to matters this big. Plastic surgery is something very serious and could forever change your life, and if a teen is unable to fully grasp its severity then it is a major issue.

Physical Maturity

Another major issue surrounding plastic surgery is the physical development and maturity of the teen. Some physical deformities that people seek to correct will either go away over time or will simply be grown out of. In addition, what a teen may consider as a major physical detriment may actually be not that important or serious once the patient has grown up or maturity. For example, a teen probably shouldn’t undergo breast augmentation surgery if they are not fully grown yet. Although teens may want to have any deformity or scars removed in their teen years in order to avoid things such as bullying, it may be best to wait until they are older and more physically and emotionally mature.

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Parents’ Involvement

The involvement of parents in a teen plastic surgery case is another major issue that people have with the ethics of teen plastic surgery. Is the plastic surgery actually something that the teen wants, or is it something that the parent wants? Are the parents pressuring the teen into getting the surgery? On the flipside, if the parents are unsupportive of the surgery then it could create a potential parent-child rift. Unless plastic surgery for the teen is something that both the teen and parent can fully agree upon then it could cause major issues for the family.

Post Operation

Other major problems could stem from teen plastic surgery. It's no secret that teens and young people often have a feeling of invincibility. These people also don’t like spending extended periods resting or out of commission, something that could lead to some problems during post-op recovery. Teens may lack the attitude or discipline to follow the post-operation plan that the surgeon typically gives, something that could raise the risk of surgery and be potentially dangerous to the patient.

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How to Lose Your Belly Fat In A Healthy Way

For people with a pear-shaped body, losing weight can be a bit of a challenge. While it is easy to lose weight around the upper part of the body, fat stored in the lower part of the body’s midsection is more difficult to deal with.

That’s not to say that it is impossible to lose weight when you have a pear-shaped body. More importantly, it is not impossible to lose weight in a healthy manner. These next few tips and tricks we are about to discuss will help you lose lower-belly fat healthily.

Drink More Water

Drinking more water has two benefits that help you lose weight and stay healthy. First of all, consuming more water allows your body to stay full. In fact, drinking a glass of water before a meal can help reduce the portion of your meal considerably.

Drinking water also helps the body metabolize more optimally. This simple step helps reduce the amount of fat stored in the lower part of your midsection, which in turn reduces the weight that gets added to the section after your meals.

Besides, drinking more water is about as easy as it gets. It is an effective way to lose weight while improving your body metabolism and overall health. There are even specific benefits on your skin and heart health to be gained from drinking more water.

Have a Full Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is more important when you are trying to lose weight. A suitable breakfast added to your diet has the ability to change your eating habits for the rest of the day. A full breakfast is highly recommended.

You want a lot of fiber in your breakfast. Wheat and other food items contain enough fiber, and they are perfect for breakfast. You also want to add plenty of proteins, especially if you want to feel full through the morning.

Additionally, you may want to add fruit to your breakfast menu. A glass of fresh orange juice, slices of apple or watermelon, or a small bowl of fruit salad could turn a simple breakfast into one that can power you beyond lunchtime.

Avoid Certain Drinks

Some drinks are best avoided if you are trying to lose weight. Sugary beverages are your worst enemy when you have a pear-shaped body and you want to lose weight. The extra calories you consume with every sip will cancel all of the healthy nutrients you consume throughout the day.

Of course, soda isn’t the only type of drink you need to avoid. That extra-large frappuccino you usually pick up on your way to work also contains plenty of calories. Switch to home-brewed coffee made from healthy ingredients if you need the caffeine.

You can actually use shying away from these drinks as an opportunity to drink more water. This allows you to reduce your calorie intake substantially while enjoying the benefits we discussed earlier.

Use the Right Supplements

Not all dietary supplements are created equal. When you have a pear-shaped body or if you are targeting the fat around your lower waist, finding supplements that can help address the issue directly is the way to go.

When it comes to supplements for people with a pear-shaped body, Immunocorp is the brand to look into. Lipobiotol, one of Immunocorp’s supplements, is designed to address the issues that cause a pear-shaped body in the first place.

The supplement is based on studies that revealed different causes of fat buildup around the lower section of the body. Issues such as bacterial imbalance and exposure to certain food items are addressed, giving your body the balance that it needs and the ability to burn fat in that specific area.

The Right Exercises

Dieting alone is not enough; you also have to integrate regular exercises and positive habits to accelerate your weight loss program. When you have a pear-shaped body and you want to get rid of the lower-body fat, the exercise you do matters.

You want to avoid some exercises that target the belly muscles directly. Doing crunches, for instance, helps strengthen the muscles around your belly, but doesn’t burn fat stored in the same area. Besides, doing crunches excessively could lead to more issues, including severe back problems.

What you want to do instead is a set of exercises that build up strength and muscle mass. This means doing squats and deadlifts to work your muscles in a more optimum way. These exercises will not burn fat immediately but doing them regularly will help you lower your waist size over time.

The rest is easy from there. Now that you have the best tips and tricks to use, you can lose weight and get rid of your pear-shaped body in a more effective and healthier way. Stick to the plan, improve your diet, and you will start losing more weight without risking your health.
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Simple Ways of Getting a Drug Test at Home

Drug addiction and substance abuse are said to have reached epidemic proportions across the world. Statistics released by the American Addiction Centers a while back showed that as far back as 2014, about 21.5 million Americans had substance abuse issues. Interestingly, those affected were from the age of 12 upward. You can check out more of this report here.

This problem has shown no signs of abetting. If anything, it is on the increase and this has placed more demand on those in positions of authority, requiring that they tighten their supervision of those under their care or authority. These include parents, employers and other caregivers.

Why Home Drug Test Is Important

Continuing from our discussion above, there are times when homes testing can be a lifesaver. A parent could suspect that a child is abusing some controlled substances and want to confirm in order to stop the habit, providing the child with the early treatment that may be required. A home testing will come in very handy here.

A person can be facing a pending drug test in the office or prior to employment and need to make certain that their system is totally free of any drug toxins. Such a person can also confirm with a home test.

From the above, a home test can help confirm drug usage so that prompt intervention can commence. It can also confirm that a person is free of drug toxins and will, therefore, pass any drug test, putting the individual’s mind at rest and allowing them to go for their test with confidence.

Types of Home Drug Test
Just as there are different types of drug tests, so also are there different types of home drug tests. The different types of home drug testing include: urine testing, saliva testing, sweat testing, and hair follicle testing.

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Urine Drug Testing
This is the most commonly used home drug testing method. It has an accuracy of between 97 and 99%. You can also get the result in as little as 15 minutes. The downside to this type of testing is that the urine sample can easily be contaminated and can also degrade with time. The result of the test can be affected by the food, drug or other substances that you take before the test.

Saliva Drug Testing
This is also a very quick acting test because you can get your result within 9 minutes of taking the test. The test is administered in the same way as the urine test so it is easy to take. It, however, has a major downside. It cannot be used to test for drug usage that has exceeded about 48 hours. It is best for checking for drug usage within 24 hours after use.

Sweat Drug Testing
This is not a common home drug testing method. The reason for this is that it is very cumbersome to administer. The subject being tested has to wear a patch for between 1 to 2 weeks before it is then removed and taken for testing. Aside from the fact that the time frame is too long, wearing a patch for that long will certainly be uncomfortable and will also allow for manipulation as the subject can easily remove the patch.

Hair Follicle Drug Testing
This is a very precise type of testing in that it can show details of the drug use. It can show not only drug usage but also the volume of and frequency of usage. There are however two downsides to it. The first is that the result is gotten in between 2 and 7 days and the second is that it cannot be used to test for marijuana usage.

You can get more information on these different types of home drug testing here:

Drugs that Can be Tested for at Home

It will interest you to know that every drug that can be tested for in the lab can also be tested for at home. The simple reason is that the same companies that produce the testing materials for the labs also produce the testing materials for the home kits.

There are however some drugs that cannot yet be accurately tested for both at home and in the lab. These include: bath salts, salvia, and K2 also known as spice.

3 Approaches to Home Drug Testing

There are three ways to approach home drug testing.

  1. You can use a home kit, administer the test and get your result.
  2. A second option is to collect the sample you want tested and then send it to the lab for testing.
  3. You can combine the two approaches above. That is, you get the sample and administer the test at home and then you also send the sample for a confirmatory test with a lab.

Choosing the Right Kind of Home Drug Testing Kit

To decide the type of home drug testing to choose, you need to consider some of the following:

  1. Why am I doing the home test? If it is for an upcoming office drug test, then choose a test type similar to the one you will face in the office. For example, choose a urine test if you will face a urine test in the office.
  2. What drugs do you want to test for? For example, if you want to test for the use of marijuana, you should not go for a hair follicle test.
  3. How far back do you want to check for drug usage? Tests like saliva home testing will show drug usage that has not exceeded about 24 hours. To check for more distant drug usage, look for another appropriate method. 

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GhostBed Sheets Make For A Better Night's Rest

In recent years, I have found myself having a lot of difficulty getting comfortable at night to fall asleep at a decent time. My problem is partly due to always feeling hot. My poor husband would often times have to put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants to come to bed, because he felt like I kept our bedroom at Arctic temperatures. Okay, maybe dropping the A.C. super low, and having the ceiling set on super high-speed is a bit much for the average person.

Another part of my problem was that I've struggled to find a sheet set that is comfortable, cool, and durable. Thankfully I found the perfect solution with my new GhostBed Luxury Sheets made with Supmia cotton and Tencel fiber blend. This sheet set will work great on almost any mattress, but it's ideal to pair it with any GhostBed mattress. These sheets are amazingly soft and luxurious. From the moment I touched the sheets with my finger tips, I could feel a smooth coolness.

The GhostBed Luxury Sheets set is a product of GhostBed by Nature's Sleep, which makes a mattress that Consumer Reports rated very good or excellent in every category, and is the best mattress for fibromyalgia. I like knowing that the sheet set comes with a 3-year warranty, and free shipping!

So what exactly makes Supima cotton sheets? Supima cotton is one of the finest quality grown cotton in the US. Made using longer, smoother, and cleaner yarn, the result is a softer and more plush feel. Additionally, Supima premium cotton is also more durable, able to withstand washing year after year and maintains its original shape, feel and comfort. This makes me happy because I wash bed sheets frequently.

I have had sheets in the past where the elastic stretched out so much that it caused the bottom sheet to slip off. This does not happen with GhostBed sheets. Just look at that wide elastic band that helps prevent the fitted sheet from popping off.

My husband and I love how comfortable our sheets feel, and that the set came with four pillow cases instead of two like most standard king sets do. They come in either gray or white, which is perfect when you like neutral colors. There is a downside though. It is almost impossible getting out of bed, because we are so comfy! Also, it brings kids into our room sneaking under the covers so they can experience the comfort, too.

Our Ghostbed Luxury fitted sheet set goes perfectly with our new mattress cover. Be sure to check out GhostBed online and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Next up for us will be a bedroom makeover!

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