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Heartfelt Ideas to Remember A Lost Loved One

Losing a loved one is a painful experience, words often cannot adequately describe the feeling. However, there are some things that you can do to keep the memory of your loved one alive. Here are some heartfelt ideas to respectfully remember a lost loved one. 

Create a Video of Their Life 
Create a video of their life by compiling pictures and short video clips of them, add text, beautiful music and graphics using video editing software and share the video with close friends and family. 

Plant a Tree in their Honor 
Plant a tree in their honor, and if your loved one was cremated, you can also sprinkle some of their ashes in the soil, this is a truly heartfelt way of remembering a loved one. 

Get a Keepsake 
Get a keepsake such as a memorial t-shirt, a keychain, a notebook or you could opt for cremation keepsakes that are designed and customized to suit your needs. 

Travel to their Dream Destination 
Did your loved one have a bucket list? A dream destination, somewhere they really wanted to visit? Since, they won’t get the chance to experience their dream destination, travel to the place they wanted to travel to the most in their honor. 

Write a Poem 
A simple yet heartfelt way to remember your loved one is to write a poem. Write a poem from the heart and either keep it to yourself as a personal remembrance keepsake or print it, have it framed and share it with friends and family. 

Create Art 
If you are creative and want to express your love for your lost loved one, why not create a piece of art? You could also enlist the help of a professional artist to create a piece of art for you. 

Make Their Favorite Meal 
Prepare their favorite meal and celebrate their life with the meal that they loved most. 

Celebrate Their Birthday 
Each year, celebrate their birthday, bake a cake and celebrate the day that they were born. 

Create a “Thoughts of You” Journal 
Using a blank, decorative journal, write down your thoughts and feelings about your loved one. Whenever you feel sad or miss them, write your feelings in your thoughts journal. 

Write and Record a Song About Them 
You don’t have to be the best singer in the world to write and record a song, just create from the heart, writing a song is a beautiful and timeless way to remember your lost loved one. 

Donate to Charity in Their Honor 
Did your loved one have a specific interest? For example, did they like soccer? Were they interested in women’s rights? Donate to a charity that is closely related to their interests, they would certainly appreciate it. 

Start a Youth Scholarship For Them 
Start a youth scholarship in their name to help young, talented individuals achieve their goals and aspirations. 

Create a Memorial Website 
Create a blog or website that pertains to their interests. For example, if your loved one liked video games, create a site about video games and name the site after them. 

These are all heartfelt and respectful ideas to help you come up with ways to remember your loved one. We hope these ideas inspire you to do something wonderful for the person you love. 

What to Expect In a Rehab Facility

Are you set to go into a rehab Alabama facility but are not sure what to expect? Understandably, it can be pretty nerve-wracking and overwhelming, especially because it will take you completely outside of your comfort zone. 

As a first-timer, it’s good to at least have an idea of what awaits once you enter the facility. While you will be away from your family and close friends, you will be surrounded by professionals who know what they’re doing, and so are in a much better position to help you. 

That said, here are some things you can expect once you enter a rehab facility. 

Evaluation and Assessments

The first thing that you will do upon entering a rehab facility is to undergo an evaluation. This is a crucial part of the program because this is where the doctor will base their treatment plan for you. Expect to be asked personal questions, which, while it may seem probing, are actually necessary for them to know more about your condition. 

The more they know, the better they can create a custom strategy to help you get back on the track to sobriety. Family medical history, personal medical history, eating habits, or even employment and financial situation can be asked during the evaluation. Based on this information your doctor should then be able to give you a well-thought-out treatment plan. 

Meanwhile, the assessments occur throughout the program, to check up on you. These regular assessments are important so that they can verify your progress in the program. Some facilities even offer a reward for good progress, such as an unsupervised trip outside the facility, even though with certain limitations.


Depending on what kind of rehab facility you go into, you can expect dorm-type rooms or single private bedrooms. There will also be facilities wherein they can do their workshops, group therapies, and other activities. 

It would be ideal to have an area outdoors where people can unwind and hang out after their scheduled programs. There may also be workshops or studios that cater to their more creative endeavors. 

However, it must be remembered that these are only supplementary in role to the treatment plan. Even with the most complete facilities, if the patient is not ready and willing to participate in the program, it’s not going to be as successful. 

Controlled Medication

In certain cases, it becomes necessary for the patient to be prescribed medication. In drug rehab, this is going to be strictly controlled to ensure that they don’t trigger yet another substance to be addicted to. 

Usually, medication prescribed is for those who are suffering from depression and anxiety. Especially for those who are having an extra tough time with withdrawal, it becomes absolutely important to ensure that the patient stays in a good state of mind so that they can completely recover. 

Upon showing good progress, it’s also possible for the dosages to be reduced. This can only be done after another thorough observation is made by the doctor, and the patient is declared as being well enough to start weaning off the medication. 

After-Treatment Program

With a rehab facility, the program does not usually end even beyond its walls. The lessons learned inside will now be put to the test in the real world. Having a support system even when the program is already important is very crucial for recovering substance abusers. 

It’s important for them to realize that problems being confronted outside can be resolved using the techniques they’ve learned from their time in the facility. Moreover, they can still have access to important resources through the after-treatment program, such as their very own support group who will go with them through the process of recovery.


Get Bella Luna Blue One Day Only 8/22 #myadagio

This month on the 22nd we are expected to have a blue moon. This means that Adagio Teas will have their rare blend, Bella Luna Blue, for sale. They only sell it on blue moon days, so you will need to sign up for a notification to get yours. 

You are probably wondering what Bella Luna Blue tea is. It is a loose leaf tea blended with Butterfly Pea Flower, lemon grass and natural blueberry flavor. If you are familiar with Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, then you know it brews up in the most brilliant blue color. It has been used as a natural dye for centuries! Once blended with lemon grass and blueberry flavor, you end up with happiness in a cup (or glass). This full leaf tea is truly something special, and can be enjoyed either hot or iced. 

One thing that makes this loose-tea so unique is that it does a magic trick right before your eyes. A little bit of lemon juice transforms this tea into the most beautiful color. Just look at the before and after. 

Check out this video to see the transformation in action.

Today's post is sponsored by our brand partner, Adagio Teas. All opinions are our own as usual. 

4 Tips for Pressure Washing

Pressure washing is a useful method for cleaning outdoor surfaces at your home or business, but it can be difficult to learn how to use appropriately. Here are four tips for pressure washing. 

1. Do It Yourself versus Hiring a Professional

There are professional cleaning companies available that you can hire to do pressure washing for you if you so choose. For example, if you live in South Carolina you could search online for something like pressure washing Greenville SC to seek out a professional. If this is the route you take, you should just need to explain the surfaces you need cleaned, get a price quote and let the professionals take it from there. If, on the other hand, you decide to do the pressure washing yourself, you'll need to get the right equipment, make sure your surfaces can be pressure washed and learn how to safely pressure wash a surface.

2. Which Surfaces Can Be Pressure Washed

Only certain surfaces can be safely pressure washed. Roofs and other more easily damaged or delicate surfaces must be cleaned using alternative methods, such as soft washing, due to the risk of compromising the structure with the high power of pressure washing. Decks, pavement and solid walls, made of materials like concrete and hardwood, can be power washed quite easily. Siding may be pressure washable, but that depends entirely on the type of material the siding is made of. Vinyl and clapboard siding are probably fine to pressure wash, but if your siding is aluminum or if it's painted it's best to avoid pressure washing.

3. Equipment Options

The first decision to make when weighing your equipment options is whether to purchase your own or rent equipment. This will largely depend on how often you think you'll need to use it and whether you're willing to store and perform upkeep on it. There are pressure washers that are battery powered, gas powered and electric. Each type should effectively use any standard nozzle you need. Nozzles range from very low pressure to very high pressure, so your choice of nozzle will depend on the surface you need to clean, how big the surface is and the type or amount of grime you need to remove.

4. Safety

Safety is imperative to using pressure washers. Always begin by reading the manual and keep it handy to refer back to as needed. Prep the area by covering or removing openings like vents or windows and electrical outlets and equipment. Clear away any tripping hazards and use an extension for your nozzle rather than climbing a ladder. Keep your hands out of the pressurized water stream and safely sequester all non-washers, including pets and children, from the area being washed. Make sure you wear protective clothing such as gloves, boots, googles and noise-cancelling headphones.

Pressure washing can be done safely by an amateur, but if you choose to do it yourself rather than hiring a professional, you must do your research before making any purchases. Once you complete your research and purchases, make sure you read all directions to use the equipment and study and practice how to use the equipment before you attempt to actually wash your surfaces.


7 Ways to Care for Your Child’s Teeth

Your child’s gums and teeth need special attention and care. Establishing a good dental care routine in the early developmental years is vital because you’ll set up dental habits that your child will remember for life. 

An Anchorage pediatric dentist recommends giving your child the best start to minimize the chances of serious dental issues down the road. 

Why it’s Important to Take Care of Your Child’s Teeth

The most significant risk of improper dental care is tooth decay. This applies to baby teeth and adult teeth. 

Although baby teeth don’t seem as important as adult teeth because they are going to fall out anyway, decaying baby teeth can cause many problems – in the short term and the long term.  

Prematurely losing a baby tooth impedes the adult tooth from aligning correctly, puts the adult tooth at greater risk of infection and decay, and can even cause a speech impediment.

Here are seven ways you can help your child avoid tooth decay and all the other problems that come with it. 

1. Care for Gums Early On

Believe it or not, your child’s dental care routine should start before your baby even has the first tooth. Make a habit of cleaning her gums after every meal. 

You can use a damp cloth or soft-bristled baby toothbrush to rub gently along your baby’s gums. 

2. Begin a Brushing and Flossing Routine

Continue to wipe your baby’s gums after every meal.  When teeth begin to appear, wait until they have grown in fully before starting to brush them. 

Once your baby’s teeth have settled, use a soft-bristled baby toothbrush with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to brush them twice a day.

When your baby gets a little older, you can begin to encourage them to hold the toothbrush by themselves. Teach them the correct way to hold it, how to brush their teeth, and how to spit out the toothpaste.

When your child’s teeth begin to touch (this usually happens between 2-6 years old), start flossing between them. 

3. Avoid Pacifiers and Try to Deter Thumb-Sucking

Using pacifiers and thumb-sucking are habits that most young children develop, but if you let them go on for too long, they can affect the alignment of their teeth when they start to come in. 

Dentists recommend putting a stop to these habits when your baby is three years old and advise against coating the pacifier with honey or any other sugary substance. 

4. Schedule Your Baby’s First Dentist Appointment Between 6-12 Months

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking your child to the dentist at around six months old. However, babies get their baby teeth at different rates, so between 6 months and one year is perfectly fine. 

Taking your child to the dentist early on will ensure that any dental issues are detected and treated as soon as possible. Starting dentist visits early will also help your child feel more comfortable with the process. 

5. Limit Sugary Drinks and Treats

More than 40% of children will get cavities at some point in their childhood, but limiting the sugar in a child’s diet is the best thing a parent can do to prevent them. 

Limit soda, fruit juice, chocolate, and candy as these sugary foods and drinks cause bacterial imbalances in the mouth, which encourages plaque buildup on teeth. 

6. Catch Dental Issues Early

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry advises taking your child to the dentist every six months so that cavities and other dental problems can be treated early. But there are also a few things you can watch out for at home.

Look out for tooth grinding and clamping at night, a lisp or other speech impediment, or excessive mouth breathing. All these signs may indicate a dental issue.

7. Make Trips to the Dentist Enjoyable

Many children feel anxious about going to the dentist, but there are a few ways you can help your child see it as an adventure. 

You can prepare your child for their first trip by reading them dental-themed books and watching dental-themed kid’s shows – YouTube is an excellent resource for these. 

Remain positive and try not to project your personal feelings about the dentist onto your child – your child will look for cues from you, so try to lead by example. 

Choose a good pediatric dentist who is good with children and schedule an office tour so your child can familiarize themselves with the staff and practice. This will also let your child know what to expect. 

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