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Exam Time? How To Reduce Your Teenager’s Stress

When teens are studying for their exams, your home might feel full of stress. Emotions are running high, and the pressure to perform well and potentially get into college can be overwhelming. As a parent, it can be difficult to watch your child going through such a stressful period. You remember what it felt like to be at school, and it’s probably a time you wouldn’t want to repeat!

So, as a parent, it’s important to help to reduce your teenager’s stress. While you can’t eliminate exams altogether, you can help to make the period as smooth as possible.

Educational Support

As a parent, it’s important to give your teenager educational support if they need it. Whilst you shouldn’t be overbearing or pushy, if they’re struggling in a certain area you might be able to help. Quizzing them and reading the answers is a good example of this. If you’re not sure of the solution or answer yourself, you can always do some research and find online tools to help, such as this free tool for citation. Alternatively, you might wish to find a tutor for your teenager, who can give them additional support in the exam period. 

Limit Distractions

While your teen is revising for their exams, it’s important that you try to limit any distractions in the house. It might be difficult to prevent them from going on the internet, but you can potentially limit their screen time, and make sure that the TV isn’t on in the background. Plus, if your teen’s siblings are being distracting, you can take them out to give your teen some quiet time in the house. Just make sure it’s being used for revision and not gaming!

Cook for them

During the exam period, it’s important that your teen stays well nourished. They won’t be able to concentrate on their revision if their stomach is rumbling! Plus, the time they spend cooking could be used to revise. So, make sure you’re cooking healthy, nutritious meals that fuel their brains and stop them from being hungry. This is especially important on exam days. They will need a big breakfast so they don’t feel hungry during the exam and can concentrate on the paper in front of them.

Emotional Support

The exam period is a stressful time for your teen, and you need to make sure that they’re coping. This means making sure that they’re talking about the way they’re feeling, and not bottling up their emotions. Whilst they need to spend the majority of their time revising, you should make sure that they’re taking adequate breaks and still taking the time to do the activities they enjoy.

Their mental health will suffer if they can’t have fun or see their friends, so encourage them to go out and socialize. If your teen knows that you’re there for them and supporting their decisions, they will feel less stressed and more able to perform well in their exams.

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Six New Exercise Habits You Can Build While Social Distancing

The coronavirus has forced the world to stay home and practice social-distancing. Many establishments have closed their doors to keep people from going out and being in close contact with others which may spread the virus. Gyms and other fitness centers have also been forced to remain closed until the pandemic is over and the risk of infection is gone. While this may affect your gym routine, it doesn't mean giving up fitness entirely. It just means you need to get creative and start a new exercise habit.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
It’s more important than ever that you exercise regularly as it helps build immunity, which is vital for your physical and mental health at this stressful time. We don’t know how long this pandemic will last and how long we will be advised against social gatherings. Fortunately, there are still ways to work out with others while still observing social distancing. Here are some tips:

1. Stay Connected on Your Walk or Run.

Workout buddies are still possible if you set a specific time to walk and talk on the phone simultaneously. You may be separated physically, but staying connected via your phone and earphones can help ensure you both finish your walk or run.

2. Exercise with a Group.

Leverage video chat tools to exercise with your favorite workout buddies. You can exercise with friends and family via video or even organize an online dance party. Find the music you like and dance for half an hour instead of a regular boring cardio workout on your own.
Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels
3. Take an Online Fitness Class.

Many fitness classes are also available online. Some are even live-streamed so that you can follow the instructor at home. The only equipment you may need are weights and workout shoes.

4. Find an Online Personal Trainer.

You can also find a personal trainer who can work with you through video chat to have two-way communication during the training. Your trainer can still correct you and hear your feedback. Make sure you research the web to find a personal trainer you trust and like.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
5. Do Exercises That Take Up Minimal Space.

If you want to fully observe social distancing by staying at home, find an exercise spot in your house. It may surprise you that it doesn’t take up a lot of space to do exercises like jumping jacks, squats, planks, push-ups, and burpees. You may even run up and down your stairs to get a great cardio workout.

6. Work out in the Pool.

Your pool is perfectly safe to swim in during this pandemic. Experts say that with proper pool maintenance and disinfection, the virus responsible for COVID-19 becomes inactive in your pool. If you’ve mostly used your pool for fun and relaxation, it’s time to recognize your pool is also the perfect place for you to start a new exercise habit. Start by swimming laps or engaging in water aerobics.

Thank you Pool Troopers for this guest post.
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How Stickers Can Help Your Business Grow

No matter what type of business you're in, reaching out to customers and generating new leads is an important part of being successful. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to do that. If you're looking for a way to improve your brand and get your name seen by more people, here's why you might want to consider investing in stickers.

Photo by J Gowell on Unsplash

Versatile Branding

There are a lot of things that make stickers a good branding tool, but their versatility is one of the most important parts. You can put stickers pretty much anywhere, from cars and motorcycles to notebooks, laptops and desks. When you have transparent stickers that can stand up to UV rays and excess water, you have even more options in terms of where you can put them.

Another cool aspect to this versatility is how creative you can be with your stickers. You have your choice between tons of different design options and shapes, plus you can choose the colors and size of your sticker for complete customization. No matter what kind of look you want to create for your brand, you can do it with a good sticker.

Free Advertising

One of the coolest parts about using stickers for branding is the fact that they provide virtually free advertising for you. While you have to pay for the stickers in the first place, all you have to do after that is give some away and stick some on your vehicle, water bottle and other belongings. The more you're out and about and putting that sticker on display, the more likely you are to build a solid customer base. This advertising effort only gets better as you make better stickers, which gives you an incentive to really get down to business when it comes to creating the perfect design. This is why some of the most popular brands give away free stickers to their customers to use as they see fit.

A Simple Process

It's no secret that a lot of advertising methods require a lot of effort, but that's far from the case when it comes to stickers. There are lots of websites where you can print your own clear stickers based on your desired design, colors and size. You can choose exactly how many stickers you want and have them shipped to you in no time. Once you've got a bunch of stickers, you can sell them, put them on things or simply give them away to get your advertising campaign started. While you do have to invest a little bit of money if you want to buy thousands of stickers, the return on investment you get in terms of advertising and boosting your brand is well worth it.

Running a business is hard work, but making advertising easier can lift a lot of that burden. If you're looking for a creative way to advertise your business without putting in constant effort, you might want to think about designing and printing some custom stickers for your business.

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Are Medicare Advantage Plans Right for You?

Maybe you're nearing retirement or turning 65. Either way, you're probably wondering about your Medicare options and possibly trying to figure out exactly what is a Medicare Advantage plan? How do they differ, and which plan is right for you?

Well, we've got the answers you've been looking for. Read on as we break down the basics of Medicare Advantage Plans, so you can decide which one is the best choice for you and your health coverage needs.

What Are Medicare Advantage Plans?

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, is a component of Medicare that let's interested parties sign up for coverage through private healthcare insurers who contract with the government. All Medicare Advantage Plans are legally required to offer the same benefits as Medicare Part A and Part B but are allowed to have different rules, costs, and coverage constraints. Most Medicare Advantage plans also include Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage) within their benefits as well. These plans also offer services that Original Medicare does not cover, such as vision, hearing, dental, and more.

In addition, Medicare Advantage Plans can help save you money. These plans have a yearly limit on what you pay out-of-pocket for Medicare Parts A and B covered services. Once you reach your plan's limit, you won't spend another dime for covered services for the rest of the year. The idea behind these types of plans is to offer subscribers health insurance and prescription drug coverage in a more convenient and potentially cost-saving way.

How Do I Know If a Medicare Advantage Plan is Right for Me?

More and more people are choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan, in fact, enrollment has nearly doubled over the last decade, reports the Kaiser Family Foundation. But before you jump ahead to the sign-up portion, first consider factors such as plan costs, doctor options, any travel plans, and current health conditions that require medical attention to see if the plan's health benefits make sense for your situation. Medicare Advantage plans may not be the right choice if you currently have insurance from an employer or through your union that pays costs that Original Medicare doesn't cover.

The most common types of Medicare Advantage plans are Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs). HMOs typically offer lower monthly premiums to subscribers but also tend to require prior authorization from your insurer to visit any specialists. PPOs, on the other hand, may be a bit more costly but come with greater flexibility as you can generally visit any in-network doctor or specialist without a referral. These plans can vary in cost and coverage by region, so it's best to talk with a private insurer to get one-on-one advice and address any questions you may have.

What Does the Enrollment Process Look Like?

You can apply for a Medicare Advantage plan when you first become eligible for Medicare or during what's referred to as your "Initial Enrollment Period." Think of this first enrollment time as a sort of grace period, where you can enroll in Medicare Advantage plans, add coverage, or even switch plans if need be. The Initial Enrollment Period or (IEP) is based around your 65th birthday. Your IEP begins three months before your 65th birthday, includes your birthday month, and ends three months after your 65th birthday.

If you choose not to enroll during the IEP, don't fret, there are other dates you can apply. There is what's known as the Annual Enrollment Period, which takes place every year from October 15 to December 7. You may also qualify for the Medicare Special Enrollment Period (SPE) based on certain qualifying life occurrences, such as changing jobs or losing current health coverage.

Learn More About Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage plans can save you money and provide additional benefits not seen with traditional Medicare. The best way to navigate the Medicare Advantage selection and enrollment process is to work with a licensed insurer such as Anthem. Anthem agents can serve as helpful resources for determining what Medicare Advantage plans are available, which plans you should consider, when your benefits will start and how to get the full health coverage you deserve.

The Role of CBD Oil For Pets With Dementia

Is your pet aimlessly wandering around the house, looking absolutely confused? Does it treat you like a complete stranger? Well, in case your companion is commencing its senior stage of life, these might be the initial symptoms of dementia.

In fact, animals suffer from cognitive dysfunction syndrome, which humans refer to as dementia. They tend to experience memory loss and impaired cognitive function, which in turn leads to a complete alteration of their eating, sleeping, and all the other essential habits.

Although this syndrome is incurable, there is a natural supplement, called CBD oil, which can help you prolong your companion’s life. Read more about its benefits, administration, and dosage in the treatment of so-called dementia in animals.

Common symptoms 

The most common symptoms of the cognitive dysfunction syndrome in animals are actually manifested as gradual changes in their behavior. For instance, disorientation is one of the most obvious initial symptoms, resulting in your pet getting lost in a familiar place, such as your home. Both canines and felines keep staring at doors and walls, having no idea where they are or how to leave the room.

Social interaction changes are also frequent, transforming your friendly pet into a lethargic, bad-tempered creature. It won’t only be hostile to visitors, but to you, as its owner as well. Gradually, its aggression will evolve into an absolute passiveness, showing no interest in any of its favorite activities, such as playing or going for a walk. Visit this page to check out the most common reasons for animals’ lethargy.

Moreover, both canines and felines will start urinating inside the house. The former will stop going outdoors, while the latter won’t use their litter box. The alteration of urinating habits does not result from bladder bowel dysfunction but as a result of forgetting their normal bathroom routine.

Sleep cycle disruption is yet another frequent symptom that manifests in reverse sleep patterns. Pets tend to sleep during daytime and become active during the night hours. They might spend the whole night pacing and wandering around the house, disturbing the sleep cycle of their owners as well.

In addition, your pet’s eating habits may also experience changes, as it simply won’t be able to locate its food plate. Although your companion has eaten from the same bowl for years, it suddenly won’t remember where it is. Unless your dog or cat has an impaired vision, this is a clear sign of dementia.

Benefits of CBD oil

Since cognitive dysfunction syndrome cannot be cured, CBD oil can at least alleviate the symptoms of the condition and make your companion’s life more bearable. For example, its effect on the endocannabinoid receptors that control serotonin secretion is very beneficial for improving your pet’s mood and restoring its interest in everyday activities. The increased secretion of the happiness hormone is enough for getting your furry friend back on its feet. Visit this link:, to learn more about the function of serotonin.

Furthermore, owing to its anxiety relieving properties CBD oil is capable of promoting calmness, thus reducing your companion’s aggression. Your dog will no longer uncontrollably bark at people or even worse bite someone for no particular reason. This calmness will also contribute to normalizing its sleep pattern, thus reinstating its previous sleep cycles.

Most importantly, CBD is believed to improve animals’ memory by reducing the inflammation of the brain cells. Also, it is thought to regenerate neurons, thus preventing them from wasting away. In fact, brain cells’ death is the main culprit for memory loss.

Administration and dosage 

The most efficient way of administrating CBD to canines and felines is by incorporating it into their diet. However, make sure you have a consultation with a veterinarian in order to confirm your doubts and determine the stage of the cognitive dysfunction syndrome of your pet.

Bear in mind that the most beneficial form of cannabidiol for this syndrome is either tincture or capsules, both of which can be purchased online. In fact, you can visit petcbdcommunity to choose from a wide range of CBD products. Tinctures and capsules have the highest rate of bioavailability, which is crucial for the supplement to be absorbed immediately.

In terms of dosage, the amount of CBD would depend on the severity of the condition. Early dementia can be treated with a lower dose than the advanced type. Your pet’s weight is an additional factor to be considered in the calculation. Anyhow, try administering a low dose in the beginning, as not all animals respond to the supplement in the same way.

Wrap up 

CBD oil may not be able to cure your companion, but it might prolong its life. The least you can do is to purchase the supplement and give it a try!
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