Family * Travel * Food

Glad there was no technology in my days of school

I was driving home this morning after dropping the girls off to school and thought about what school is like in this time and how different it is from my days. Back in my time when report cards came out I would buy myself a good few days to a week before I showed my parents mine. I would hope that none of the other people they worked with would mention that their kids got their report cards. That would be some very stressful days for me! Now in my kids' time, we can read the big flashing sign in front of the school that tells you the exact day report cards come out. You also get an automated call from your principal reminding you about report card day. I must not forget the lovely email reminder as well. Poor kids, they couldn't get away with what some of us could back in the day!

Another great parent tool we have is Parent Portal. This would vary depending on your district but it is a website that you can sign into to check your kids grades, absences and tardies. I have even set up to get emails each time teachers update my child's record with any information. This really keeps you informed and is a great deterrent for if they even think about cutting class. Lucky for me my kids come to me about their school related stuff but you never know if something can get left out on purpose. Boy oh boy am I ever so lucky that there was no real technology in my time!! I'm sure some of you agree ;-)

Don't slam me for being a SAHM

Just a warning that the normally peaceful and sweet Shelly is not writing this post. The raw and outspoken Shelly is in charge. I have something to say to people who seem to have a big problem with the stay-at-home mom. If you meet someone who is a SAHM please do not say "Oh it must be nice". That is not a freakin compliment. Most people did not pay attention to what the word ASSume means. They like to assume because you are at home that your family is rolling in dough. This is not often the case for most of us. I stay home because I choose to. I am a very low-maintenance woman and do not feel like I have to have everything material. With 3 kids we would struggle worse financially if I worked. The cost of daycare/after care, arranging rides to and from school, cost of work clothing, additional fuel cost for travel and the list goes on.

Another assumption is that because I am home I have all this "free" time that I can sit around and do whatever I want. Granted, I do have more time than working moms however I utilize my time to benefit my family. I manage my home and always come up with more ideas and solutions for cutting costs without making the family feel short-changed. I do spend a good deal of time online but that has it's benefits as well. I don't just sit on the computer all day because I have no life.

I don't appreciate people asking me when I plan to go back to work or when I plan to put William in pre-school so I can get a part-time job. It's none of your damn business what my plans are. Again, please do not assume you know anything about my personal life. I really wish folks would realize that it is my choice and the choice of many others to stay at home for our children. I am sorry if I offended you but I just had to say what I needed. Please feel free to give your input on this subject whether you are a SAHM or if you work.

Day One at the gym

Well today marked the first official day that the whole family went to the gym. Since I already knew that I am totally out of shape I took it easy and did little things. The first step was stepping on the dreaded scale. I was so nervous because I know I have put on some weight. Would you believe that I was way less than expected? I was so shocked that I weighed myself at another scale to be sure. I am really happy about it. Now I don't need to worry about my weight but more about toning up what I already have. My goal is to wear a fitted t-shirt and jeans and not have any rolls or muffin-top showing. I know I can do it and will do it. The girls had a blast playing volleyball, jogging, and playing basketball. We took William into the big kids room/babysitting room to let him get a feel of the room. He did pretty well and really seemed to enjoy playing on the slide, climbing things he shouldn't and taking a peek at the little baby that was in there. I got to meet one of the babysitters and it seems like things are really going to work out.

I was walking the indoor track with the girls when they decided they wanted to go for a jog. I got jealous and felt like they ditched me so I joined them. Hmm, halfway through I had a lovely cramp. Baby steps I told myself. I also played a little volleyball with the kids. I thought I was going to snap my wrists! Wow, I know I will be feeling it tomorrow. Oh well a little at a time and then hopefully I will get better and be able to hang! I will post updates on my progress. Maybe Dwayne will post about his goals and progress as well. Now off to down a half gallon of water...okay 2 glasses :)

Winter must-haves!

There are two items that my family simply can't live without during the winter weather months. First is the Carmex lip balm. This is a year around item that lives in my make-up kit at home, my make-up bag in my purse and one in the car. I LOVE this stuff! I am on their email list and they offered some 50 cents off printable coupons. I was able to print a few and used them at Kroger (since they double coupons up to 50 cents) so that gave me $1 off!!

The second item is the Aveeno lotion. Funny thing is it is all I have been using on William and Dwayne asked to borrow some the other day. He instantly blurted out all kinds of jabber to the effect of how great it feels to use something that makes your skin feel truly moisturized. He says he has been missing out on using real lotion all these years! Right now is offering a $2.00 off coupon. That is a great savings.

*I did not receive any compensation from this post of any type. These are just my opinions and views on products I purchase regularly.
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