Family * Travel * Food

Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to this week's edition of Vent Day Wednesday with a little twist. Be sure to hit us up in the comments with your vents!


William and his firetruck

We got William his first ride-on toy. I have actually been shopping around for one for a while now and it seems that these particular toys are hard to come by for boys (decently priced that is). I can find every princess, Dora, Barbie and all things girlie but finally found this one! Will really doesn't quite understand what he is supposed to do with it. He likes to push it all over the house!

He was being silly and leaning backwards and loving it! He is such a boy :)

Gee, hope Dwayne doesn't get mad that I am showing the brand and cutting into his endorsement money!!


When does your baby officially become a toddler? I get some emails that refer to William's age as toddler and others as baby. Is it once they start to walk? I always thought it was 2 years of age. What do you think?

Feed your baby fat

I took little William for his 15 month check-up. He is developing perfectly on target and is doing all the things that are expected at this age. There was only one concern, his weight. It turns out that my once chubby baby dubbed "the Michelin baby" or "baby Sumo" is now in the 30th percentile for weight (22.9 lbs). I really do not know how percentiles work but I know it is on the low end. Maybe it is because he is in the 80th percentile for height. It's really funny that every person that sees William seems to think he is really big for his age but according to his doctor he is a bit on the thin side.

She even provided me with some literature on ways to pump up the calories by incorporating concentrated fats. These fats include butter, margarine, cheese, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, sour cream and cream cheese. I wish my doctor told me that I could have those things! Thankfully his pediatrician is very thorough and she assured me there is nothing to worry about and that he is just burning off calories from being so active. I probably should be glad that he is not on a restricted diet. So now William can eat anything he wants and then some! Lucky little fella!

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