Family * Travel * Food


With a title like that I am sure you know who I am about to start talking about. What is wrong with my husband?? Seriously, this Vent Day Wednesday thing is getting out of control. Dwayne sneaks his butt in the office and gets on the computer to do what I think is to check email, blog, website... really he is watching the Vent Day videos and laughing himself to tears. Oh and he watches them over and over and laughs even harder! He has disturbed the baby from sleeping many of nights. What do I do with him!? I thought our Vent day was for just that...VENTING, not the Dwayne and Shelly variety show. Seriously, he is insane! For instance, telling everyone to email me about talking to my white blood cells. He has this Dwayne theory that you must talk to your white blood cells (WBC as She Needs says ) when you feel ill. *WTF?* He has to walk around the house like a drill Sargent motivating his WBC troops to battle. He says he does not take medication, he sends in reinforcements to help out on the front line. Coughing to him is the Army fighting a ground battle and sneezing is the Air Force battle. Now in all this foolishness he does say one thing right. Dwayne always recommends resting when the battle is taking place. However, the most obnoxious part is that he rewards his WBC's after the battle is won. He actually pats himself on the back, and drinks hot ginseng tea. He say he gives his WBC's a nice rewarding jacuzzi bath for a job well done. What can I say the guy is crazy, but there must be something to his madness. Because like he says, he rarely gets sick. Go figure.

Vent Day Wednesday

Welcome to this week's edition of Vent Day Wednesday. Enjoy the foolishness and remember to hit us up in the comments with your vents.


Teachers are the best

Today the parents at my girls' middle school are doing a luncheon for all the teachers for Valentine's Day. The theme is a soup and salad lunch and the volunteer coordinator rounded up moms to get their crock pots ready! I volunteered to make my famous chili that my family so loves. The girls say "it tastes so good, makes you wanna slap yo mama!" Can you guess who might have taught them that one?? I had to let the family 'sample' the chili to be sure if would be safe for the teachers. Well it passed their test and they asked if we could just keep it for ourselves and say I forgot today was the luncheon. Sneaky little devils!

I also baked cornbread muffins since my kids refused to let me buy pre-made ones. I had to label them so they would keep their greedy hands off! Dwayne still thought he was getting one. He says how would the teachers know there was one missing? Typical Dwayne. He was mad at my label. ha ha!! Dwayne, you can talk about me tomorrow for Vent Day Wednesday.


It's Monday already?

Where did the weekend go?? I spent the entire day on Saturday with Chardonnay and William at her volleyball tournament (7:30 am- 6:30 pm) This was a long day but a really great one. Little William behaved so well I can't believe it! I guess as long as he is out and about he does not complain at all. I am really lucky because others did not have it so good. Chardie's team played very well and won a few sets but did not get the desired outcome in the end. That's okay because the girls had fun and played as well as they could, plus they had 3 players down. Briahnna also had a tournament on the other side of town all day as well. Dwayne went to that one and it was a good day for Brie. Her team placed 3rd in the region and got t-shirts for their victory. She was so thrilled! What do you think she wore to school today?? The kids and I went shopping most of the morning on Sunday and they pretty much spent the rest of the day recovering from being wiped out from their tournaments. The weather was so awesome! Not a cloud in the sky and 70 degrees...GORGEOUS!! Sorry to my Northern friends for bragging. Well I sure hope you all had a nice weekend. Now back to the grind! Have a great Monday :)

Flashback Friday and 300 posts!

Today marks our 300th post anniversary! Who knew we had that much to say?! Well I leave you with my all time favorite photo of the girls when they were 1 and 3. I used to dress them up like doll babies about 5 times per day! They were the cutest little things. I miss them so much at that age. We wish everyone a great weekend!!

GladWare Giveaway

I have a coupon for up 1 package GLADWARE containers, any size up to 8 count ($10 value) for one lucky reader. If you are like me you use these type of containers on a daily basis to store leftovers, send goodies in lunchboxes or share food with friends or family. All you need to do is leave a comment telling us what you like most about Momfiles. Do you have a favorite post? Favorite topic? We want to know! You have until February 13th to enter*. The winner will be contacted to provide mailing information. Please be sure to leave your email address and first name if you are not registered with Blogger so you we can reach you. Thanks for participating!

*US residents only
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