Family * Travel * Food

boy parts

I know this post is going to seem strange but understand I know nothing about baby boys. Will has his 6 month appointment tomorrow with the pediatrician and I have made a list of questions/ concerns for the doctor. My questions are very simple things like skin dryness and teething. Now Dwayne has the manly man question (what a surprise huh?) He wants to know if it is normal for his boy's little winkie to go inward. He is greatly concerned for his son's penis. I think it is the most important concern he has. Does anyone know if this is normal? I just don't want to look like a complete idiot to the doctor. If Dwayne was able to go then I would let him handle that one. If anyone with little boys can advise me on this one I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks...

William at 6 months

Oh no! Where did the time go? Our baby is 6 months old today. He is one BIG, happy baby and as you can see from these photos, he does not have enough toys and does not get enough attention. Poor William...


Don'tcha hate it when.... Wednesday

You know how it works...

Don'tcha hate it when...
  • you are eating something that is so good and you run out and all you need is like one or two more bites to be satisfied.
  • you finally get out of the house alone and your cell phone rings off the hook.
  • you find fingerprints on your computer screen and they don't belong to you. ugh!
  • people post like a thousand youtube videos on their blog. (not targeted at anyone specific Dwayne)
  • you are forced to retire your favorite article of clothing. (Yes Dwayne, the 15 year old Miami Hurricanes shorts have got to go!)

Okay, I'm tapped out now, it's your turn. Hit us up in the comments...


Someone is 14 now

Here's my big girl, Chardonnay. She is officially 14 now. Look at her all grown-up looking. She wears make-up now, not a lot just enough to enhance her natural beauty. *sigh* Before you know it she will be driving. Yikes! I can't believe I have a kid that old! Nobody better be calling me old right now.
Happy Birthday Chardie!!


How to tame a wild hubby

Pop this in the DVD player...

Sit one of these in front of him...

And offer up a few of these as needed and you are done!

This is a winning combination, you can't go wrong. The movie will keep him focused on the TV (as if it was possible to focus on anything else with the TV playing). The food will fill his gut and the beer will calm him down. Perfect. The end.
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