Family * Travel * Food

Embarassing your kids-The Right of Parents

This morning my younger daughter went on a school field study to Charleston, SC to the Cooper River Bridge and The Citadel. Since she was going a whole two hours away from home and would be gone all day, my husband and I thought we would be the good parents (since neither of us could attend) to take her to the pick up site to see her off. Her dad gets a little crazy with the camera and takes video clips as well as photos of all the kids and their families. As you can see on the photo to the left, she was making the mad dash to dodge her dad, the camera man!

After dropping the first child off we then took our middle school aged daughter to school. Her dad decides to jump out of the driver's seat (in the crowded carpool line) and pose for a photo. My poor child was so embarrassed since everyone was staring. It was pretty funny I have to admit. It is sort of cute now that I look at the photo- the children were asked to wear burgundy or orange to show remembrance for those that passed away in the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech. Look at that, dad and daughter wearing those very colors. SO sweet! I always said I would never embarrass my own children when I was a kid but it's just too much fun!!

Moms kicking butt

My kids attend karate classes at Genova Family Karate and are first degree black belts as well as junior helpers. A couple of the moms that have children that take classes have recently started taking the adult karate class. We usually take a brisk walk around the track together(located around the building of the karate studio) and chat about 'mom stuff' while getting our exercise on. Of course they have been nagging me to join the class with them. My kids and hubby found out and they won't stop bugging me to join as well. Great, now if I do not at least try it out I will be a bad mom especially during those times I am encouraging the family to"try something new, you might like it!". I tell you, mothering sure can backfire on you when you least expect it! I have decided to try it out soon. I will let you all know how it worked out!


My younger sister (2 years) and I started scrap booking recently. Okay, I lied. I started 2 years ago but lost motivation after the first couple pages. It seemed like fun when I started out buying all the cute paper, stickers, cutouts and all the other supplies you need. Then I lost interest for some time. Well, my sister relocated to Columbia from Atlanta a couple months ago and mentioned an interest in starting scrap booking as a hobby. We went out and purchased a few things and had zero motivation. Finally last night we actually sat down and worked on it (of course after a couple purchases from the craft store). We had so much fun!! I can't wait to do some more tonight. If anyone has any ideas to share please email me some photos of your work. Maybe I can steal some good ideas!

Interview: Kathy Shaw- Sistercare

I have had several moms inquiring about an upcoming event for Sistercare of the Midlands/ Women after Five 14th Annual Silent Auction & Reception. On Thursday, April 12th, I was privileged to have a phone interview with Kathleen Shaw, Development Director for Sistercare, Inc. For those of you that are not familiar with Sistercare here is some information: Sistercare is a program of services for battered women and their children residing in Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, Newberry, and Richland counties in South Carolina. Sistercare, Inc has been around for about 25 years. 60% of women In Sistercare's THREE SHELTERS are mothers with their children. In 2006 Sistercare assisted 4,466 victims of domestic violence. Of this number 663 were provided safe shelter. Of the 663, 275 were children with their mothers. They have a 24-hour crisis line that operates 7 days a week 803-765-9428 or toll free 800-637-7606. Ms. Shaw stressed the urgency of educating the public about domestic violence because it is a far larger problem than most people realize. Sistercare receives financial support from individuals, businesses, civic and faith organizations in order to continue serving our community.

The Women after Five Silent Auction & Reception was started 14 years ago. The success of this event continues to be of great benefit for helping Sistercare meet their financial goals.This year's event will be held at Troncos at the Fairgrounds on May 8, 2007 from 5:30-8:00 pm. There is a $50 donation to attend the event. There will be a huge array of items to bid on such as salon packages, restaurant certificates, vacation packages, pottery, antiques and countless other items from local businesses and individuals. The Guest Speaker will be Laurie LeGrand (domestic violence survivor). There will be Hors D'oeuvres, soft drinks, beer and wine served throughout the event. All donations should be be sent to Women after Five/ SisterCare c/o Mrs. Claudia Maloney P.O. Box 1029, Columbia, SC 29201 or call (803)926-0505. Please be sure to mention that you heard about this event through by dropping a note along with your donation. Momfiles will actively promote all Sistercare events so please check back often for updates.

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

I was observing my kids and their best friend playing a game of "Scene It Jr" the other day and could not help but get sucked in. This game is a DVD interactive board game that asks questions pertaining to a variety of TV shows, movies, commercials, etc... Keep in mind that this game is for ages 8 and up. I guess I fit in the "and up" category and decided to see if I could find the answers to these kiddie questions. I truly realized that I was not as smart as I thought! The girls were coming up with the answers quicker than I could absorb the question or puzzle. Let's just say if I were actually playing, more than likely I would be stuck someplace between 'start' and maybe four or five spaces!

Note to self: Never think you can outsmart a kid!
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