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3 Tips When Reading To Children

Most parents know the value of reading to children. It helps them to gain a larger vocabulary, and it helps to learn and retain information. However, for some people, reading to children can be a little difficult, so here are a few tips to help you when reading to children.
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Read Books With Chapters

Reading a book with chapters has many benefits. One of them is that is takes a bit longer to get through the story which can help make a book last longer at bed time reading. The chapter breaks also create a natural time to discuss with your child about what is happening in the story and what they predict to happen next. This can help to spark a child's imagination, while also helping you understand if they are comprehending what you are reading.

Daniel Handler has created many children's books with chapters that help parents and children brush up on these skills.

Take Turns Reading

Much like anything else in life, you never get better at something unless you practice. Picking up a best author Daniel Handler book is an easy way to find an interesting story that both you and your child can take turns reading. By allowing your child to have a turn reading, you can be there to help them from getting discouraged by correcting mispronounced words, as well as being there to provide context or explanation for words they may not understand the meaning to.
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Life Lessons

In almost any story, characters make choices and decisions. By reading together, you can have a platform in which to help you child gain a greater understanding about the motivations one might have to make a certain decision. This can be very beneficial to help them gain empathy and compassion for others.

As you can see, reading a book to a child has many benefits, so pick up a great book and start reading together!

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Must Have Items for Your Classroom

Teachers are always looking for ways to inspire and teach their students. There are the tried-and-true methods that teachers have used for decades; however, very often teachers look for something new and different to shake things up a bit for both themselves and their students.  Luckily, there are some amazing products out there that can help you make the classroom more interesting for all of you. Read on for some classroom products that are much better than just a pencil and paper!

A Trundle Wheel

What is a trundle wheel, you may ask? A trundle wheel is a handle attached to a wheel. Your students can push the wheel and measure a surface, with a clicking sound at each specific measurement. It’s a great way for kids to really understand measurements and find out exactly how far a meter is. It is one of those things that kids can’t wait to get their hands on, and once they do, they won’t even realize they are learning.
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Blocks That Get Them Moving

Every teacher knows that if kids have to sit at their desks and pay attention for too long, their ability to learn, think, and remember deteriorates rapidly. When they get antsy, they can’t concentrate, and some of them act out in an attempt to get rid of that energy. Get them out of their seats with a teacher-approved method, and get them moving and laughing with classroom brain-break activity dice. These big foam blocks have instructions on each side that range from encouraging activity (pretend to jump rope) to encouraging laughter (crawl like a baby for one minute). Allow a few minutes with the blocks as a reward as an end-of-the-day activity for them to look forward to or on the fly on a day when you notice they just can’t sit still.

Moon Lamp

Almost every classroom has a globe that shows the kids the earth, but how about a “globe” for the moon?  Moon lamps are a three-dimensional way to show the surface of the moon, and having one in the classroom is sure to inspire wonder, imagination, creativity, and lots of questions about astronomy. The moon lamp lights up and can even change colors.
As a teacher, you know that a variety of fun things in the classroom helps to inspire learning and fun. Make your classroom a place the kids can’t wait to come to every day!

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How To Grow a First Aid Kit

The best first aid kits are the ones you grow yourself! The Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids Volume 8 shares how to grow an aloe vera plant, which has long been used for its healing properties.


Ancient Egyptians called it the “plant of immortality” and early Native American tribes called it “wand of heaven,” but we call it aloe vera. Originally grown in southern Africa, aloe vera is a succulent. Its leaves are full of healing substances that have been used medicinally for at least 6,000 years.


Aloe vera is an easy-to-grow houseplant. Here are the few steps needed:

  • Plant it in good potting soil (soil made for cacti is perfect).
  • Set it in a sunny spot.
  • Water about every 3 weeks and even less during winter.
  • Push your finger into the soil to test for dryness. You want the soil to dry at least 1 to 2 inches deep before watering.


Using the leaf straight from the plant is the best way to get aloe’s healing properties. The gel can help to heal and ease the pain of burns, bruises, boils, canker sores, and chapped lips. It may also lessen symptoms of acne. For aloe relief:

  • Remove one of the sword-like leaves from a living plant and open it along its length. Then either squeeze out the gel and apply it where relief is needed or lay the entire opened leaf side directly over the affected area and then bandage it lightly in place.
  • Remove a leaf from an aloe plant. Cut open the leaf and use a spoon to scrape out the clear gel. Put the gel pieces into a blender and pulse several times, until the aloe is liquid. Pour the gel into clean ice cube trays and place in freezer. To use, remove an aloe cube and apply to sunburned skin, bug bites, poison ivy rash, or any other ailment that requires relief.


  • To condition hair and leave it healthy-looking and shiny, scrape some gel out of the leaves and massage it into your hair. Wait for about 5 minutes, then rinse it out with warm or cold water.
  • To use aloe as a skin moisturizer, just scoop out the gel or rub a freshly cut leaf over your skin and let it dry.

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3 Easily Grown Flowering Plants

Many homeowners who have acquired a new house or done major renovations to change the look of their existing house long to do something special with the landscaping. Inexperienced gardeners can make mistakes, so it is important to plan out what to buy and where to place it ahead of time to avoid nasty surprises. Plants that are easy to care for are the best friends of anyone who is just learning about gardening, or who does not have much free time to tend to their yard.
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1. Black-Eyed Susan

One of the easiest flowers in the world to grow is the black-eyed Susan. A lovely yellow flower with a black center that stands about two feet tall, it is a great complement to all types of landscapes. It is a perennial plant with a strong root system that ensures it can come back stronger every year. It is native to North America and is hardy to heat and cold. They can spread into other parts of the garden, so it is prudent to keep them in check. There are different varieties available, so make sure that an annual is not selected by mistake, as it will likely not come back the next year. They can be grown from seeds or purchased as seedlings.
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2. Hostas

Hostas come in different shades of green, with some varieties being all one color and others having two different colors on the leaves. They are a leafy green plant that flowers in mid-summer. The flowers appear on long stems that grow from the middle of the plant and are usually white or purple. Once the flowers have died, the stems can be cut down and just the fleshy leaves will remain as attractive foliage until the late fall. They can be purchased as small plants from a garden center, but they can also be gotten from any friends or neighbors who have some. They need to be split in half or thirds when they grow too large, so most people try to give away the cuttings during the spring or fall.
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3. Marigolds

Most commonly known for their puffy orange or yellow blooms, marigolds are incredibly easy to grow. They can be started from seed a month or so before planting season starts to give them a head start in making the garden beautiful. They can be planted directly in the ground to create a stunning garden or walkway border, but they also do great in pots. In fact, pots are a great way for a new gardener to learn how to care for plants, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes that bring a lot of character to a yard.

Not everyone is born with a green thumb and great instincts for plant care. Most people who are just starting out need to do research into proper plant care. Anyone who is looking for something that can be cared for with minimal effort should plan their gardens with sun and shady spots in mind and get appropriate plants that will thrive in different areas.

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Top 4 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry You Should Know About

If you’ve been feeling less than enthused with your smile lately, you may have been thinking about Gainesville cosmetic dentistry. Teeth can get chipped, stained, discolored, worn down, misaligned and more over time, and cosmetic dentistry can provide solutions that restore your smile and your self-confidence. Whether you have concerns about chips, cracks and misalignment, or are simply searching for a flawless Hollywood smile, there’s likely to be a procedure that can help such as same day implants whitening, veneers, etc. If you’re unsure which type of cosmetic dentistry you should look into, there are a few difference popular procedures you should keep in mind.

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1. Dental Implants

If you’re missing a tooth, dental implants can be inserted directly into the bone socket to lay the foundation for a replacement later on. These implants are usually made of titanium and allow your jawbone to heal and grow around the implant. Unfortunately, dental implants tend to be on the pricier side, with some procedures costing up to $3,000 a pop. However, the growth around the implant usually ensures that it’s embedded well, allowing you to get a replacement tooth securely, so the cost could potentially be well worth it in the long run.

2. Teeth Whitening

While teeth naturally occur in several different shades, damage over the years can sometimes cause unsightly discoloration. Regular coffee, tea or wine drinking, for instance, can stain your teeth. If you’d like a brighter smile, consider teeth whitening. You can get this done professionally at your dentist’s office for longer-lasting results than with home kits. This is something many people would like to change about their teeth, and thankfully, teeth whitening also happens to be one of the simplest and cheapest dental procedures!

3. Porcelain Veneers

If you’ve ever looked at a celebrity and wondered how they get their teeth so straight and perfect, there’s a good chance they have porcelain veneers. Veneers are essentially thin layers of durable porcelain that cover up enamel imperfections. If your teeth are chipped, stained or cracked, getting veneers could be a straightforward way to achieve the Hollywood-style smile of your dreams.
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4. Dentures

Finally, if you’re missing a lot of your natural teeth and have experienced problems with eating, speaking or facial sagging, you may want to consider getting dentures. Common among older adults, dentures can restore essential oral functions and your self-confidence all at once. Particularly if you’ve suffered significant degrees of tooth decay, are experiencing gum issues like swelling or simply haven’t been visiting the dentist twice a year, it may be a good idea to ask your dentist whether dentures are right for you.

Teeth are essential to eating and speaking, but can also make a big difference in self-confidence. If you’ve been feeling self-conscious about your smile and are ready to make a change for the better, cosmetic dentistry could just be the solution you need. Whether you need implants, dentures or are simply interesting in veneers or whitening, there's likely to be an answer to your dental woes. Keep these popular options in mind and you’re sure to find the right fix for your smile!

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