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Dwayne and the girls were playing the game of LIFE together. Sounds like some good, innocent fun right? Hello, we are talking Dwayne here...Why in the world is he trying to pimp his LIFE money?
Shelly, Mom Files

I love these amazing girls

It is really refreshing when you have teenage daughters that don't act like average teenagers. Both of our girls are such good students, athletes and all-around wonderful young people. There is never a day that we have to get on them about completing homework or studying. They take responsibility for themselves at all times. They know when it's time to do laundry, clean their rooms and bathroom and also help around the house without being told.

I wouldn't trade my sweet daughters for anything! We are proud of them and know that little brother has some really awesome big sisters. They are so good to him and I know when he is older he will appreciate them greatly.

We love you Chardonnay and Briahnna!
Shelly, Mom Files

Some days I just don't know

I am sitting at my computer desk with intentions of writing a blog post. Honestly, I really don't have anything. I have tons of stuff floating around in my head but nothing really worth actually writing down. I guess this will have to be one of those random posts that have no specific subject.

I'll start with the Kardashian women. Is it just me or are their voices annoying and whiney as hell? How does anyone listen to that crap all day long? Is it really necessary to spew the "F" word every other sentence? Like we teach our daughters, you can be as pretty as you want but it is what comes out of your mouth that people will go by. Also, what's up with these shows 16 and Pregnant and Sweet Sixteen?? Two great reasons my daughters are not allowed to watch MTV, VH1 or BET. <----they used to show actual music videos. What happened to that? Some days I wonder maybe Dwayne and I could be the lame ones and we are missing something. Other days I'm like nope, we're the smart ones! I am about to click publish post. I am sure I will have something better to say tomorrow :)
Shelly, Mom Files

Social Networking and teens

It's many of us are on these networks. I am on so many I have lost count. Social Networking is a growing trend and even kids and teenagers are a part of it. Dwayne and I let our daughters each get a FaceBook account to keep in touch with friends and family. It's been really good especially for our older daughter since she started high school and most of her friends attend different schools. I wish we had these types of services in my school days! Now all of this comes with a list of rules. We approve all photos before they are uploaded. I have seen some photos that teens post and it is appalling! Friends can only tag photos we approve of. No IMing. You must ask permission to go on and you have a set time. They have ONE time to mess up and poof! It's deleted. Not on hold or you can't use it for 2 weeks. DE-LETED.

So far they have been following the rules and have had no problems. Some people may think we are a bit overboard and really we don't care. We want our children to be a part of all the technology we have but it comes with limits and we care about their safety.

How about you allow your kids to partake in any social networking? Do you have any special rules or guidelines you want to share?

Are You Text Savvy?

Do you like text messaging? I do. I find it to be quite a convenience at times when I can't physically make a phone call in order to relay a message to someone. Now I do however have problems when I get a text from a younger person and can't decipher what the heck they are saying. I received a list of definitions in an email for what I call shorthand for teens. This helped me a lot! My hubby calls this shorthand or abbreviated style the dumbing down of today's young people. I do admit I personally use the ttyl, brb and lol but that is about it~! Check out the list for yourself may learn something you did not know!
(Dang, my spellchecking function has this post all lit up!!)

AFAIK - as far as I know
ASAP - as soon as possible
B4N - bye for now
BBS - be back soon
BFN - bye for now
BRB - be right back
BTW - By the way
CUL - see you later
DQMOT - don't quote me on this
EOM - end of message
FWIW - for what it's worth
FYI - for your information
GL - good luck
GMTA - great minds think alike
HT - hi there
HTH - hope this helps
IAC / IAE - in any case / in any event
IMO - in my opinion
IMS - I am sorry
JK - just kidding
JMO - just my opinion
JTLYK - just to let you know
LOL - laughing out loud
NP - no problem
OTOH - on the other hand
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
TA - thanks again
TIA - thanks in advance
TTYL - talk to you later
TU - thank you
UW - you are welcome
WTG - way to go
WU? - what's up?
YBS - you'll be sorry
YW - you are welcome
And for the record, I am a very cool mom even if I don't understand text messages!
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