Family * Travel * Food

BBCDO Fishing Trip


Today, Shelly had to put away the Honey- DO list because BIG DADDY is going FISHIN' . That is right FISHIN' not fishing (as ladies would say). This is my Manly-Man day and I was able to spend it with my Pops. The MAN that helped create the 8th wonder of the world.

I know the ladies are probably saying... " He needs to be home taking care of my girl, cutting the yard, painting, or something else besides doing some boring MANLY fishing".

Therefore, I have to say this for all the MEN in the Unites States of America and all the MEN globally.

Today I am man, Today I connect with nature, Today I connect with my brothers who bond over a simple pole, water, and bait. Today I ponder life and all it's mysteries. Today is the day my wife can not make me cut the grass, wash the car, or clean the gutters. Why? You ask me why? I'll tell you why. Because Today is the day I, as a MAN with my rightful HONOR as a MAN, I AM, goin' FISHIN' ---- NUFF SAID..


Momfiles news

Hello friends! I wanted to share with all of you my great news. I am expecting!! I am 8 weeks only and thankfully not sick or tired. My hubby is behaving so nicely (shocking). He has been catering to me and has just been extra nice unlike his normal annoying self. You mean all I had to do was get knocked up for him to act right? For those of you that are regular visitors of Days Like These, there was a post made on a certain friend that is expecting. Okay, the cat is out of the bag, it was ME!!! I had to process everything before I could say anything about it. I was going ballistic at first thinking "I have not had a baby in 11 years, what am I thinking?" Then reality set in and now I am so excited I can barely stand myself! I am not due til early April and will keep everyone posted. The number one question I have been getting is "I bet you hope it is a boy" Both the hubby and myself have no preference and will be pleased either way. We just pray for a healthy baby (just no twins please!) I certainly appreciate all your prayers as we take this crazy journey into parenthood all over again.

Great kids

Yesterday I spent most of my day running my mother-in-law around to doctor appointments and left the girls at home. They had a job... babysitting daddy! Well, daddy worked late the night before so he had to take a much needed nap. This made the job easier for my girls. Well, I do not have your average children. Do you know what they did while I was out? They cleaned the house! Not just picking up a few things but they actually cleaned the house. Everything from washing and packing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, picking up, cleaning their bathroom, sweeping, and laundry! I did not even ask them to do it. I asked if there was something they wanted and they said "no, we just thought we would help out". Those girls have really made my month. I am just so blessed to have them and appreciate the young ladies they are growing up to be. I am taking them today to a couple places to let them pick out a few trinkets for the thoughtfulness they showed me. Here is a photo I snapped of them. They are going to be great moms and wives one day. Maybe 30 years from now if you leave it up to daddy! I love my babies!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's day dads!! What would we do without you?! As a tribute to my wonderful husband, I thought I would do something creative this year. I decided to scrap him! You know, make a couple scrapbook pages of him! He loves being a business man and he LOVES himself so that was my starting point. Here are the pages and keep in mind I am not very talented with this kind of stuff so no making fun of me!


Nosey Folks

Now this is so wrong. The other night there was an accident across the street from my house and my tacky family decided to be nosey. Notice the dog (Milo) on the floor at the bottom left corner. Well he could not stand that he was not in on the action and wanted to see what was going on....

They decided to let poor Milo see and be a part of their nosey neighbors club. Now all of this was going on at midnight. Notice which one of the "responsible" parents was on the floor with the kids! LOL!!! That's my crazy family and I absolutely love 'em!

Man or Dolphin?

Yesterday we were playing a game of impersonations. Hubby decided to be a dolphin, but turned out more like a big inch worm in the water. LOL!!!! My brother-in-law thinks he looks like a big killer whale!

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