Family * Travel * Food

The Un-terrible two's

Now I hope I am not shooting myself in the foot for publicly saying this but for the last 2 1/2 weeks William has become a very different child. He has not been pitching very many fits, he's calmer, he listens a little better and he is overall being a lot friendlier towards strangers. It has been a really nice change. I can even tell that I am feeling a lot more laid back and I seem to have more energy. Now don't get me wrong, he is still one active little boy and that most likely will not change a whole lot anytime soon. I am enjoying it while I can and I look forward to seeing his personality grow over this year. I know that he goes through phases but this is the best kind of phase and I am hoping it is here to stay!
Shelly, Mom Files


Dwayne and the girls were playing the game of LIFE together. Sounds like some good, innocent fun right? Hello, we are talking Dwayne here...Why in the world is he trying to pimp his LIFE money?
Shelly, Mom Files

William's 2nd birthday photos

Here are some photos from William's birthday celebration. It was a small family affair since he is too young to understand what was going on.

Look at that sweet face!

He was trying to escape!

After blowing out the candles.

It was all about the balloons for him!

He was squealing with excitement and showing off for everyone!

He really loved the box this toy came in ;-)

I could not get very decent photos since he refused to sit still.

At the end of the evening we were all so worn out. The great thing is we got to sleep in until 9:00 the next morning.

Shelly, Mom Files

Happy 2nd Birthday William!

Today is our sweet little boy's second birthday! It's so hard to believe that he is 2 already. He is a funny and happy little guy and has enriched our lives in so many ways. I am a better person because of him. Our family looks forward to all of the new things he will get into and pray that his two's won't be so terrible! We love you William!!! ♥

Birthday party photos to come....

Shelly, Mom Files

Haircut decision

I posted on Facebook a few weeks ago for suggestions from my friends on how they think I should get my hair cut/styled. I got comments ranging from short and sassy to leave it the way it is. I even had one old friend tell me that even if I went bald I would still look amazing. Of course I don't want to know if that would be true so I asked the husband. He generally gives me the same answer every time- "Do what makes YOU happy". Of course that is the worse answer you can give me. This time he actually gave me a much different answer. He told me that he wanted my hair to still be long and layered because he loves how his woman looks so exotic. Well, since Big Daddy has spoken, long and sexy it will be!
Shelly, Mom Files

He asked, I told

Here is a conversation Dwayne and I had while I was cleaning the kitchen and he was finishing up his dinner.

Dwayne: How are you Shelly, what's going on in your mind right now. What are you thinking about?
Me: I looked over at him as I turned on the kitchen faucet and asked "Are you sure you want to know?"
Dwayne: Of course I want to know
Me: I start telling him that I came across I blueberry brunch cake that I would love to make but realized that I did not have a bundt pan.
Dwayne: You mean the kind that has a hole in the middle and you can make pound cake in it?
Me: Yes, I need one. I cook and bake all the time and have been dubbed everything from Martha Stewart to Rachael Ray yet I don't even have a bundt pan.
Dwayne: Okay well then you need to find one that you will be happy with.
Me: I also really need a Dyson vacuum cleaner.
Dwayne: You mean that high dollar thing? Why do you need one that expensive?
Me: Don't worry, our oldest daughter said that since she will be so successful in her career she will buy it for me.
Dwayne: He has this look of relief on his face.
Me: I also think about William getting older. He will be 2 on Friday. Before you know it I will be going into his classroom with cupcakes for his classmates and attending field trips. I think about William telling his big sisters that they are not the boss of him. I think about William sleeping in a big boy's bed. I think about Brie going to high school in less than 2 years. I think about Chardie graduating high school in a few years. I think about what I want to cook and the list sort of went on. I think a lot.
Dwayne: *Looking at me with a blank stare*
Me: Well dang, you asked what I was thinking!

Shelly, Mom Files
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