Family * Travel * Food

What I've learned about boys

I remember for so many years watching moms and dads with their sons and seeing the struggle they would have. I thought to myself "Can't they keep that boy under control?". I thought maybe the parents weren't being assertive enough and they always said that boys have a lot of energy. I guess I can understand that to a certain extent. Now that I have a boy of my own I FULLY understand. I grew up with sisters and most of my cousins and friends had girls. William is an energy packed toddler that's for sure! He climbs everything and seems to have no fear. I don't think there is anything he won't try to do given the chance. Standing on a table is not unusual for him. He learned how to go up and down the stairs in our house on his own. Sometimes he will just stand on a step halfway and I panic! He just laughs.

It's so hard sometimes to discipline him since he smiles and laughs ALL the time. You swat him on the bottom and he "wipes" it off and smiles. *sighs* I have to hold back from laughing and some days I just can't help myself. In 19 days William will be two. Wow. I guess for all the terrible two's shenanigans we bypassed with the girls, William will more than make up for it!

Shelly, Mom Files

Interview with Melissa Joan Hart & Soliel Moon Frye/ Better Together

Today I had the pleasure of getting to speak with and interview Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) and Soliel Moon Frye (Punky Brewster) over the phone and web. They have been working on an awesome campaign sponsored by Gain called “Better Together”. They actually had a Better Together Friendship Party at Melissa’s candy store called SweetHarts in Los Angeles yesterday. The message behind "Better Together" comes from Gain talking about when you use their awesome detergent along with the fabric softener they are better together. Just like how friends can get together in any way whether it is just coffee or an organized party. Making time for your friends will help to strengthen as well lengthen those relationships. I have to say, these ladies were just as sweet and warm as can be and they have really fired me up to get together more with my own friends! Here is a video from the interview. Thank you to all my Facebook buddies for their support, it was very much appreciated!


Shelly, Mom Files

I love these amazing girls

It is really refreshing when you have teenage daughters that don't act like average teenagers. Both of our girls are such good students, athletes and all-around wonderful young people. There is never a day that we have to get on them about completing homework or studying. They take responsibility for themselves at all times. They know when it's time to do laundry, clean their rooms and bathroom and also help around the house without being told.

I wouldn't trade my sweet daughters for anything! We are proud of them and know that little brother has some really awesome big sisters. They are so good to him and I know when he is older he will appreciate them greatly.

We love you Chardonnay and Briahnna!
Shelly, Mom Files

Wordless Wednesday

I just came across these photos and just had to share them once again :)

Shelly, Mom Files

Why does a baby or toddler need candy?

I have been noticing that a lot of people like to offer my son candy. He is not quite 2 and even if he was, I just don't allow him to have it. I get called mean and get accused of not letting him be a kid. Um, I am his parent thank you. If I say he can't have candy then that is final. I did not let the girls have candy until they were maybe 4 or so and even then, it was very limited. If a child is started off very young eating sugary nothing then they will grow to eat a lot of it. I feel it is so important to teach your children from babies healthy eating habits. I am not saying never give them a Krispy Kreme doughnut or an Oreo but just be careful!

Shelly, Mom Files
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