Family * Travel * Food

Happy baby on video

This is what William is like every morning after he has his breakfast...


Guess who's 4 months old today?

William is 4 months old today. It is so hard to believe! He is HUGE. His next pediatrician's appointment is Monday so we will find out just how big he is. Everyone around town thinks he looks like he's about 7 or 8 months old because of his size. I had to start him on fruits and veggies. He was definitely ready for something a little more filling. Both my girls were the same way except I started the solid foods way earlier than with this little guy. I give birth to teenie tiny babies and then they just grow like crazy! I have been packing away outgrown clothing each day. The boy now wears size 9-12 months! He loves to play and when he gets a little fussy we sing his ABC's and he stares at you in delight and listens very closely. If you stop, he gets cranked up again and you have to start over! He recognizes his alphabet because I was reciting it (sisters and daddy too) over and over throughout my pregnancy.

My favorite thing he does is when he has those big belly could just eat him up!! His daddy can really get him going! (what a surprise, huh?) He's sleeping all through the night now (9 hours+) so I guess and can't use the "I'm tired" excuse because I am well rested. Oh and he has not missed the paci! He's a good baby and I am looking forward to watching him grow and learn. I will post about his doc appointment on Monday. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


Odd question...

I was wondering how people from different states, cultures and ethnic backgrounds felt about this:
Do you call your aunt and uncles "Aunt Janet" or "Uncle Bob" or do you call them by their first name? I grew up in a very strict and conservative Guyanese home and my parents were sticklers for respecting your elders. We NEVER called any aunt or uncle by their first name. As a matter of fact, if you were a cousin that was older we had to refer to that person as 'cousin so and so'. When I met Dwayne he introduced his aunt and uncle to me by first names. I thought maybe just because it was an introduction that was why he did that. Then when I kept hearing him call them by first names I freaked out! It turns out I have met many people along the way that do that. I have nothing against anyone that does that, but was wondering what your thoughts are about this subject.

Do you call your aunts or uncles by their first name?
Do you think it is wrong if you don't?

Arte Y Pico award

I've been so graciously awarded the Arte Y Pico Award by my friend Lisa over at Lisa C Writes Thanks for thinking about me Lisa!! I feel so special~!

This award was created for bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and their talents, also for contributing to the blogging world in whatever medium. When you receive this award it is considered a "special honor". Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to 5 others.

Here are the rules:

1. Pick 5 blogs that you would like to award this honor to.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a blog link to be visited by everyone.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that gave them the award.

4. Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.

These bloggers have inspired me in some shape form or fashion and I want to show my gratitude to them by giving them this award! Now some of you may have already received this award but just look at it as a blessing knowing that there are many of us who appreciate what you do.

New phone plastic

Please tell me why my hubby wants to keep the protective plastic that comes on a new cellphone?! He is one of those people that likes to keep all the stickers and labels on all things new. Does he not realize that the plastic covers are a part of the packaging and serve no other function than just that? As a matter of fact, it covers both the part you speak into, hear out of and also the camera. Does this make any sense? If he got the stupid orange water cooler he would probably leave the "look inside for FREE cup dispenser" label on the already tacky looking cooler. I am to the point that I might just let him have the big orange atrocity. You see folks, this is why I opted not to name my baby boy after his father...I would lose my mind! That's my tacky husband!


Now That's Some BULLS@#T !!!

Now for everyone that knows about the cooler story that occurred last weekend, don't you think this is some BullS@#t ? My wife tried to make me feel good with this girly-man cooler. She thinks she's slick by getting me a cooler that says DieHard. This is not a manly-man Bruce Willis Die Hard cooler. This is a itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini girly-man cooler. How can I go around my boys with this cute cooler? I want my orange cooler back! Holla if ya hear me!!! PEACE
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