Family * Travel * Food

Happy Hour Addiction

I know what you are all thinking... No I am not abusing alcohol during pregnancy.
It's another beverage of choice.
Sonic Slushes!! I take the girls after school several times per week as a treat. I do not know how much longer they are having this promotion, but I intend to have my share each week!


We found a baby name

I wanted to let you all know that we have finally settled on a name for our baby boy. Our first choice was Dwayne Anthony Ismail II. After careful consideration of the following things, we (I) said no...
  1. If I have to call the name Dwayne for two members in my household, I will lose it!
  2. Dwayne (daddy) gets in the most trouble in the house so I do not want to yell at Dwayne and the poor baby thinks he is the one in trouble.
  3. 2 Dwaynes???? Oh no way! I will have to be committed somewhere or heavily medicated!

We played around with names and I kept picking very standard and simple names that would hold up well in the corporate world. Daddy on the other hand picked interesting names like "Shabazz", "Jehovah", "Josiah" and a variety of others that could potentially cause the boy to have trouble boarding a plane! The girls and I came up with William Anthony Ismail. There is no way you can mess that up. Dwayne was against it for a while but the name has grown on him and he refers to our baby now as William or Will. So we have decided to go with that.


Pregnancy update

Hello all... I had my doc appointment this morning for my glucose screening. For those of you that have done this before, you know you get the joy of drinking a liquid that tastes like the cheapest quality beverage that has a sugar concentration of 6 times the normal amount. This time around I had a red "fruit punch". I guess it could have been worse. I gulped it down and they started my 1 hour timer. Since I had Dwayne and the girls with me we decided to go take a tour of the Maternity facility next door at the hospital I will give birth at. The floor was silent and the nurses were very happy to see us. The rooms are huge and luxurious with private waiting rooms for family and friends. We were told that overall we get one on one care since they have a relatively low patient to doctor/nurse ratio. I am very happy about that! We eventually made it back to my doctor's office for them to test my blood sugar. The nurse said I had to score between 70-140 to pass. I got a 113!!! Whoo hooo!!! We were all so happy with the outcome. I have gained 5 pounds since last month so everything is looking pretty good so far! I am now 26 weeks along and the time is going by pretty fast! I continue to feel really well and am enjoying all the spoiling from the family.

Happy New Year to all and more updates to come....

6 months pregnant

Dwayne and I went to a holiday party at the Capital City Club here in Columbia. We had a beautiful night of fine dining and an incredible atmosphere. I would have posted photos of the club, but unfortunately my husband is not the best photographer! It was so nice going out all glammed up and feeling pretty. When I got home, my poor back and legs were aching!! I have not worn high heels in a while so I paid royally all weekend long. It was well worth it though!

Things I miss most

Here is my list of things I miss most while being pregnant....
  1. Starbucks. I know the difference between decaf and regular so there is no tricking me.
  2. Aleve and Advil. Tylenol is like candy to me.
  3. Allegra D, I sure could use one right now!
  4. Beer and Margaritas...especially on date night at a sports bar.
  5. Complaining about my "fat" belly.
  6. Wearing normal clothing.
  7. Climbing stairs with ease.
  8. Playing (badly) volleyball, badminton, or basketball with the girls outside.
  9. Cutting grass. One of my twisted obsessions, I LOVE it!
  10. Lifting things without my family screaming at me for being hard headed.

Other than those things, I really am enjoying my pregnancy. I am enjoying the attention and care I get from even strangers in the stores. My husband has been showing a 'sensitive side' that he will deny in a minute! I feel pretty this time around. My family is spoiling me. I get many more foot and shoulder massages. I get to sit and watch nonsense on TV with my legs propped up while eating whatever I want at that time. I love getting phone calls from all my friends and family just to check on me (it means a lot).

I think I can handle pregnancy for a few more months! ;)


Time sure flies!

I was sitting in the carpool line this afternoon picking my older child up when I glanced over at the vehicle next to me. I thought to myself, "I know that girl, but why is she in the driver's seat?". It dawned on me that I remember her when she was in the 5th grade and my kids were in kindergarten and second grade. Oh yeah, that would make her driving age! I have this problem of remembering most kids as just I guess this is where I am accepting that I am getting older, but I am still cute dammit!!
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