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What Makes a Good Personal Injury Attorney?

Have you been seriously injured? Maybe you were involved in a major motor vehicle accident. Perhaps you suffered an injury while you are at work. Regardless, it is important for you to reach out to an injury attorney who can help you. You deserve to focus all of your attention on your medical recovery, but if the accident was not your fault, you should not be responsible for your medical expenses. That is where personal injury lawyers can be beneficial, but how can you find the best attorney to meet your needs? Take a look at a few important points below, and find the right personal injury attorney to represent you.

Lots of Experience in the Field

First, you need to find a personal injury lawyer or pedestrian accident lawyer in Orange County if you're in that area, who has experience in the field. Just as doctors tend to specialize in specific areas of medicine, tend to specialize in specific areas of the law. Not every person who graduates from law school is going to practice personal injury law. You need to take a look at the practice areas on the website of the lawyer. Then, if you have any questions about the type of law they practice, all you need to do is reach out to them and ask for clarification. Most lawyers are going to be honest about whether they can take your case, and you need to find a lawyer who has experience in personal injury law.

Connections To Lean On

Next, you need to find a personal injury lawyer who has plenty of experience in this field of work , especially if you need a hip surgery case solicitor for eg, because for this case, you will need a specific type of lawyer, and these are available in all areas. It is impossible for someone to win a case on their own, and you will need to call on expert witnesses who can back up your testimony. Furthermore, it is possible that the personal injury lawyer may need to conduct a recreation of the accident. The lawyer will have to reach out to experts who can handle this. Try to find a personal injury lawyer who has connections in the field.

A Personal Touch

Practicing personal injury law is a people business. You need to find a personal injury lawyer such as Tom Fowler Law who has a personal touch that can make you feel better about everything you're going through. Even though a personal injury lawyer is an objective professional, he or she still needs to be compassionate. Make sure you find a personal injury lawyer who communicates well with you. If you and your personal injury lawyer do not get along well, you will have a difficult time crafting a successful case.

A Long History of Positive Results

Finally, the best personal injury attorney should have a long history of positive results. Be sure to talk to the lawyer about his or her prior cases. Learn more about how those cases turned out. If they had a positive result, there is a good chance that your case will probably have a positive result as well. Furthermore, you should take a look at what prior clients have to say. Most personal injury lawyers should be open and honest about prior reviews. You may even want to reach out to some of the clients on the reference list to see what they have to say about working with that specific attorney. If they also have good things to say, then you have probably found the right personal injury lawyer to help you. 

Find the Best Injury Lawyer To Meet Your Needs

These are just a few of the most important points you should keep in mind if you are trying to find an injury attorney who can represent you. Even if you do everything right, an accident can still happen. It can be incredibly frustrating if you are involved in an accident that is not your fault, and you may also be facing some serious medical expenses. If you want to focus all of your attention on your medical recovery while still making sure your rights are protected, it is important for you to reach out to a personal injury attorney who can review your case. You might be entitled to significant compensation. 


Understanding Alimony and the Different Types

When a marriage comes to a halt, it does not end the obligations of one spouse to another. Spousal support involves monetary aid offered by one spouse to the other upon separation under a court order. People are eligible for alimony if they were married, lived together, or have a child together. The support could be short-term or long-term. The court considers the situation of both partners to determine the amount and period for which they will give support.

Different types of alimony are. 

Temporary Support

It is the support paid when separation takes place, but the divorce process is not complete. The temporary agreement is not necessarily filed in court, and it indicates the amount and when you will make it. If the court is involved, the judge has to determine fairness and whether the party was forced to officiate the agreement.

Temporary alimony can be adjusted, especially if the matter was not filed in court. However, if the agreement was made in court, the judge must order the new payment plan.

Permanent Spousal Support

Permanent support is granted after long periods of marriage, and the legality varies depending on the state. In some laws, the support may continue until the receiver dies or remarries. In other states, the support stops if the receiver moves in with another person. You may even be able to use a tool like this Maryland alimony calculator to work out how much you may be entitled to, or how much it is you may be paying.

Rehabilitative Support

It is short-term assistance given to a spouse to help them acquire the necessary skills and enable them to work. It is granted until the receiver can support themselves financially. People who qualify for this kind of support include stay-at-home parents that take care of the children.

A court order may specify the duration of the payments, which is renewable. The agreement should contain a review provision that allows the parties to make changes. The receiver is responsible for completing the study and searching for employment. If the contributor suspects that the receiver is not making efforts to financial dependence, they can write to the court to be granted termination.

Reimbursement Support

Reimbursement alimony is a way of compensating a spouse for the sacrifices made during the spouse's education. The support is not based on the need for financial support. It is expected that once the schooling partner completes education and earns a better income, the party that sacrificed will be a beneficiary of the higher standards of living. If the marriage ends before getting these benefits, the partner who sacrificed is eligible for reimbursement support.

In some cases, the court may give the recipient part of marital property as compensation and payback for the support. Reimbursement support can be paid in a lump sum or can be spread over a duration of time. 

Spousal support is considered as income to the receiver and therefore taxable. It is commendable to consult a tax professional to help you make the right decision regarding lump-sum payments. It would help if you also paid attention to the grounds on which alimony is terminated. The laws vary in states, and in some, the contributor can reduce the amount or terminate the agreement if the receiver moves in with another person.

If there are circumstances that the receiver would like to amend, it is advisable to request an alteration to the agreement before termination. Support laws vary with different states, and it is important to understand your region's law with the help of a lawyer before getting into the contract. They will guide you on the best decisions to make depending on individual circumstances.


5 Imperative Things to Do in a Family Law Matter

Going into family law can mean disruption in the workings of your family and regular life. Whether you’re moving towards a divorce or child custody battle, things can soon get messy and out of control. You can lose your rights, assets, and finances if you aren’t able to construct the case well. The last thing you want may be to agree with your spouse and even look at them pleasantly. 

But there will be a lot of that, and you need courage and the right strategies to construct your case and take it to court with family lawyer Denver or a similar family lawyer in your area. All the while, the process can also take a toll on your mental health and wellbeing and can affect your children as well. For this reason, the following are some heartfelt tips to go through a family law case with minimal damage and be the successful party in the incident:

Pick the Right Battles 
Even if family law means stress and anxiety, you need to make sure you can keep it as low as possible. This can be done by choosing the right battles for yourself. This means that you should sit down and realize your main priorities and your primary worries relating to the family law case. Once you have jotted down your immediate needs, you can easily strive to put an end to them. You can also note which fights in divorce or custody issues are worth fighting for and easier. These battles can help you move forward constructively and not cost too much.

Present Yourself Nicely 
Presenting yourself uprightly in court hearings or any other sessions for a family law conflict can actually work towards your chances of winning. It is a piece of advice that proficient lawyers tend to offer, but many forget in the steam of a situation. Besides looking confident and composed, you also need to know your rights well, present evidence neatly, be early, act wisely with your spouse, and much more. Conducting all these traits will take some courtroom practice or a proficient lawyer from firms like Bombardieri Family Law, where you can find lawyers with years of experience and expertise to help you prepare. 

Keep Away from Dispute
It may seem like it’s too late to resolve a case out of court for any kind of conflict, but there is always some chance. Make sure to give it your best try and grip such an instance where you can insert out of court resolution with your spouse, lawyer, and close relatives. Doing this can help you not succumb to too many damages in finances, assets, relationships, and family bond.  

Don’t Chase Away Support
You need to stay strong in your fight against your spouse, but not so much that you don’t even have a shoulder to cry. Emotional and financial care will be necessary as you move throughout the course and do everything orderly. The right kind of support can, in reality, make you stronger in your case and provide constructive help. Be it an online community or your family, take all the helping hands, minus the personal advice, to make your case better. 

Help the Children 
If children are involved in a family law matter, they should be your priority and mostly their mental health. After the dispute and court hearings, kids can develop several kinds of feelings towards the conflict and may or may not show them correctly. Make sure to interpret their behavior throughout the case and assure them that you are still strong as partners. Give them the necessary details, and don’t try to hide the inevitable. Help the children continue with their regular life by not displaying concerning acts and alarming behaviors. 


Top 8 Reasons to Hire a Family Lawyer for Your Divorce

If you or your spouse has made up your mind to part ways, divorce could be the only way to end things. However, this is not an easy road to go down on. There is so much involved like splitting up assets and liabilities, child support, and custody, to name a few. The anxiety and stress involved can make you feel like giving up before you even begin.

While some people choose to handle the process themselves, they discover it's not as easy as they thought.  While you may not be required to get an attorney in your family law case, you may want to consider these advantages that come with dealing with a family lawyer such as Heath Baker Law

Knowledge of the legal proceedings

A family law attorney is a valuable asset during divorce cases because they understand court proceedings and in the event of a custody case, for example, are best placed to protect the fathers rights in Illinois as well as ensure the child's best interests. When you go before a judge, you must realize that the judge is a busy person and doesn't want their time wasted. Without legal experience, you won't know how the courtroom operates.

This is why you need a family law attorney.

The attorney preps you on court proceedings, handles the documentation, and presents the case properly. An experienced attorney will know precisely how to handle every situation throughout the proceedings. This quickens the proceedings and makes the process smoother.


For a judge to grant a divorce, the following must be settled:

  • Splitting of assets
  • Child support
  • Child custody
  • Spousal support

Couples often seek leverage against each other to get a favorable outcome, which can be messy. An attorney has been handling such cases for a long time and will guide you on the best course of action. They will also advise you on how to achieve your goals.

Proper filing of paperwork

Numerous documents must be filed and signed during a divorce case. Without law experience, you can get confused and overwhelmed with the paperwork. The judge could also do away with any incorrectly drafted documents. With a family attorney, you can be sure that all paperwork is correctly done including filing, drafting, and submission within the stipulated time.

Settle an agreement

Divorcing couples rarely see eye to eye making, reaching any agreement almost impossible. The tug of war can go one for eternity without some intervention. With a family attorney, couples can quickly come up with a settlement without getting into each other's throats.

Lessen the emotional stress

Going through a divorce can be emotional, stressful, and physically exhausting. It gets worse when you handle the divorce yourself. A family attorney takes care of all the legal matters and holds your hand throughout the process. This takes so much stress off your shoulders.

Avoid bullying

Spouses have been known to throw threats at each other. Without a lawyer, you wouldn't know if these threats could materialize. You could even be tempted to give in to your ex-spouse's demands in an attempt to prevent the threats from becoming a reality.

An attorney holds all communication between the two of you preventing any form of verbal abuse. The lawyer can also hold the other party accountable, preventing you from giving in to the demands.


Things quickly heat up, and it's hard to think rationally when going through a divorce. Since an attorney isn't invested emotionally in the case, they can see the full picture and offer unbiased insights. Besides, they use legal knowledge and expertise to provide valuable objectivity and qualified support for your best interest.

Protect your rights

A family attorney is experienced in divorce law. They know everything about the process and what your rights are.  By hiring an experienced attorney, you can be sure your best interests are represented, and your voice is heard.


3 Situations in Which You Need a Family Lawyer

There are so many branches of law, and it can be confusing to know when you need a certain type of attorney. There are family attorneys that deal with legal situations related to divorce, custody arrangements, child support and alimony payments and even adoption. There may be times in your life that you find you need these services, and it is important that you know when it is recommended to seek out the expertise of a family lawyer.
Photo by Emma Bauso from Pexels

1. Making Child Custody Arrangements

Family lawyers like Cordell & Cordell law professionals can help you finalize child custody arrangements after a divorce. Divorce can be a messy process, and it is important to have a third-party who can help determine what is best in regard to the child's living arrangements. When you have these matters settled by a legal professional, there are clear guidelines for you and your co-parent to follow. This can help ensure that everyone is putting the child's needs first instead of their own.

2. Adopting a Child

Adopting a child can be a wonderful way to grow your family, but it does take a lengthy legal process to see this through. Family lawyers can make sure that you are doing the adoption process properly so that everything is legal and final.

3. Receiving Due Child Support

If you are divorced from your spouse and have children by them, you may be entitled to child support payments. However, if your ex-partner is not keeping up with the payments, you can contact a family lawyer to help you fight the case. Your legal team can help you receive back payments in some cases, which are often needed to properly care for your child.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, contacting a group of family attorneys like Cordell & Cordell can help you make the right move in your journey.

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Birth Injuries To Baby: What You Could Do About It Legally (Guest Post)

Disclaimer: the following information presented in this article serves only as a general guideline as to what one may experience legally following birth injuries to a baby. If you have further questions, need clarification, or find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it is recommended that you seek the services of an attorney familiar with these types of cases.

Having a baby is one of the most beautiful things in the world. No words can describe the feeling you’d get when you first hold your baby in your arms. However, all your dreams and aspirations for your child would get crushed if you’d find out that he/she is ill-equipped for the rest of his/her life. And to make things worse, you’ll discover that this is caused by someone who you trusted to deliver your child safely into this world. But, there’s no point in letting yourself become devoured by heartache and sorrow. Instead, you should get up and fight for your baby who can’t.

So, what could you do about your child’s birth injury legally?

1. Gather information.

You need to gather information as this can help you file your case and claim for compensation.

The information you should gather:

  • About your healthcare provider (if there are any previous lawsuits against him/her)
  • Names, phone numbers, and addresses of people present during your delivery
  • Medical procedures performed on you (such as ultrasound and maternal serum tests)
  • Medications you took before and after conceiving (if there are any)
  • Medical devices used

Make sure to keep all of this information. Don’t show this to anyone, unless your lawyer tells you to do so.

2. Get a second opinion.

As soon as you noticed your baby’s injury, you should immediately have him/her checked. Go to a different pediatrician, to make sure that you get an unbiased opinion. Ask him/her what’s wrong with your baby and if there’s something that you can do to correct it.

Make sure to take down notes of everything that the physician tells you, as you can use this evidence later on.

3. Hire a birth injury lawyer.

Look for a lawyer who can help you file for compensation for your child. He/she must be experienced in these kinds of cases.

Your lawyer can help you recover for the following damages:

  • Medical expenses
  • Physical and emotional distress
  • Healthcare costs
  • Loss of companionship and enjoyment
  • Lost wages

You should remember that when talking to your lawyer, you should be honest at all times. Show him/her every piece of evidence you have and information you’ve gathered.

4. File your notice of intent to sue.

If you’re filing a lawsuit against anyone, you would be required to file a Notice of Intent to File a Lawsuit first. This will give you and the defendant a chance to reconcile the case without the involvement of the court.

You should remember to send this to your defendant before filing your case. If you fail to do this, there’ll be a chance that your lawsuit will be dismissed.

5. Complete your complaint.

Make sure your lawyer assesses your case critically. He/she should help you figure out what claims you can file for and will also help you draft the complaint that you can use to file the lawsuit. He/she should also make sure that you understand the case and what you think the court should do.

The complaint will identify:

  • You (the complainant)
  • Your doctor/health practitioner (the defendant)
  • Your doctor’s insurance company
  • Hospital or facility that you’re suing
  • Your allegations
  • Facts that make you entitled to monetary damages
  • Legal theory which proves that you’re qualified to the costs
  • List of the losses that resulted from your doctor’s negligence or actions

6. Make sure your complaint is delivered.

You should remember to deliver your complaint to the defendant/defendants after you’ve filed the complaint. Make sure that your doctor, your doctor’s insurance company and other health providers involved have the copy of the complaint. This will ensure that the defendant/defendants are well aware of the charge and have the opportunity to respond.

7. Wait for your defendant/defendants’ response.

Usually, the defendants will counter your complaint and file a motion to dismiss it. You shouldn’t be surprised if they do this, as this is part of the litigation process. However, if your case is secure and your evidence is complete, your lawsuit should survive.

8. Get ready for the settlement.

After your lawsuit survives the motion to dismiss, the defendant/defendants will try to offer you a settlement. When this happens, you have to consult your lawyer before deciding on what to do next. Ask your lawyer how much would put your child’s best interest forward. You can also ask other doctors for help. The doctor can help you understand the total costs that you will most likely face as your child grows up.

9. Be prepared for the trial.

If you and the defendant/defendants are unable to resolve the case through settlement, the next step is presenting your case to the court and prepare for a trial.

Be sure to attend the trial, and have your completed documents ready. Never forget to always be in contact with your lawyer, as he/she will be able to guide you throughout the process.

During this process, you should never forget the reason why you are fighting: your baby. Though no amount of compensation can ever pay for what your baby is going through, you should still put your baby’s welfare on top. And remember that you’re also doing this for others, so that they may never go through what you’re going through right now.

Dianna Charles

Dianna Charles is a promising young law enthusiast that hopes to bring her youthful spirit in her field. She tries to add a refreshing modern take to topics on the legal world that people can learn from. Dianna enjoys her free time with friends and family, and loves to cook for them.

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