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3 Situations in Which You Need a Family Lawyer

There are so many branches of law, and it can be confusing to know when you need a certain type of attorney. There are family attorneys that deal with legal situations related to divorce, custody arrangements, child support and alimony payments and even adoption. There may be times in your life that you find you need these services, and it is important that you know when it is recommended to seek out the expertise of a family lawyer.
Photo by Emma Bauso from Pexels

1. Making Child Custody Arrangements

Family lawyers like Cordell & Cordell law professionals can help you finalize child custody arrangements after a divorce. Divorce can be a messy process, and it is important to have a third-party who can help determine what is best in regard to the child's living arrangements. When you have these matters settled by a legal professional, there are clear guidelines for you and your co-parent to follow. This can help ensure that everyone is putting the child's needs first instead of their own.

2. Adopting a Child

Adopting a child can be a wonderful way to grow your family, but it does take a lengthy legal process to see this through. Family lawyers can make sure that you are doing the adoption process properly so that everything is legal and final.

3. Receiving Due Child Support

If you are divorced from your spouse and have children by them, you may be entitled to child support payments. However, if your ex-partner is not keeping up with the payments, you can contact a family lawyer to help you fight the case. Your legal team can help you receive back payments in some cases, which are often needed to properly care for your child.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, contacting a group of family attorneys like Cordell & Cordell can help you make the right move in your journey.

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