Family * Travel * Food

My 1,000th post!

Wow, I can't believe that I am writing my 1,000th post. I had to look a couple extra times to make sure that was the correct number! So now what? I don't even know what to say. I have connected with so many amazing and interesting people over the last 4 1/2 years. I have made so many friends that have become very near and dear to me. I never would have imagined that you could make friends with complete strangers in other parts of the country. I have learned so much along the way and have grown as a person. I really can say that my life have changed for the better through blogging. There have been many opportunities and perks but the personal interaction has been most valuable to me. It astonishes me how very small the world can be through the blogosphere. I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read Momfiles, comment, email, Tweet, Facebook....simply just staying connected with me. It has been such fun and I plan to hang around for a while. Much love to you all!
Shelly, Mom Files

FYI Email issues

I don't know what the problem is but I am not able to receive email at my or addresses. This makes me wonder what things I am missing if nothing can go there! I am using my if anyone needs to shoot me an email. I am going to try to get the problem fixed.
Shelly, Mom Files

My inbox is immaculate

I am a frequent Facebook/Twitter user and I have noticed almost daily the status updates of friends talking about their email inbox. It is astonishing to me that so many have over a thousand email. Some even in the upwards of 5,000. I get into a panic if mine even goes to 20. I have a tendency to keep an immaculate inbox. I have folders that keep email in particular categories and I do a folder cleaning every few months just to not let them build up with a bunch of useless trash. I also keep my Smart phone on my 24/7 so that my new mail never builds to more than about 10-15 unread messages. I can say that I have a very well organized email system. Now if only my office and house can be that way....

Shelly, Mom Files
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