Family * Travel * Food

I want another baby

As I drove my girls to school this morning a strange feeling came over me. I want another baby. Do I really want William to grow up without any siblings closer to his age? After all, the girls are 2 years apart and have grown up together and they are never alone. I guess I grew up with three siblings so I have always been used to a large family. I know my hubby will read this and freak out! I just really would not mind having another little one. I do have a cousin that recently had her 4th child and she has offered for me to borrow one of hers. Maybe I should take the cheap route and do that! But just in case, I will hang onto all my baby stuff for a little while. :)


Hey I, (Dwayne) need to generate some traffic for my new blog.
Post my blog site in a post on your site. Ask your readers to post their opinions of 'The Program" in the comment section. It is important that they state that they came from your blog. The blogger with the most traffic generated from their site will win the contest.

PRIZE: $25.00 VISA gift card

Contest starts September 1, 2008 and expires October 1, 2008. 1 comment per person and the comment must be on the program post.


I just wanted to share this fantastic freebie with all my friends. If you have a teenage daughter you will know that this is a staple in her wardrobe. Hey, it's a staple in mine too! You can get a FREE tank top at Wet Seal! This offer is valid through September 16th and is not good on black or white, colors only. Just print out your coupon and take it to your nearest store to redeem it. I printed out 2 of them and we went to Wet Seal this afternoon and used our coupons (separately of course). They even had buy one item one clearance and get a second item for a penny. My girls each got three tank tops and it only cost $3.21! Hopefully they will still have some in stock when you go to get yours. Enjoy!

Road Ragers

Are you a road rager?
Do you think it is really necessary for people to blow their top because they feel other drivers are not driving up to their standards? I just don't get it. What are you solving by cursing at strangers? Why get your blood boiling over something you can't do anything about? Oh well, just venting over an incident someone was talking about. I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday weekend!

Dwayne Needs Help -Part 2

Check out the program on the new blog. Three posts so far,
1. The Begining ( this is what started it all)
2. The Challenge
3. The program.
Dwayne will need your ideas and input on marketing ideas, promotions, fund raising, and encouragement. Click here for the blog.
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