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Who am I again?

I have been having a really bad problem recently, even more so since finding out I was pregnant. I can't seem to remember anything. I literally have a thousand sticky notes and anything I can grab to write on posted all over my house in order for me to remember the smallest things. My husband and children have been extremely patient and understanding with me. I think everyone else thinks I am losing it for sure. Maybe I need to do those word search or crossword puzzles to get my mental juices flowing. A girlfriend of mine is pregnant right now (1 month ahead of me) and she is having the same problem. It really makes you feel like there is something wrong with you.

Does anyone have any advice for me? Were you this bad during your pregnancy or do you know someone who was this way?


Hey all, here are a couple great links for some freebies. Enjoy!!

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Momfiles news

Hello friends! I wanted to share with all of you my great news. I am expecting!! I am 8 weeks only and thankfully not sick or tired. My hubby is behaving so nicely (shocking). He has been catering to me and has just been extra nice unlike his normal annoying self. You mean all I had to do was get knocked up for him to act right? For those of you that are regular visitors of Days Like These, there was a post made on a certain friend that is expecting. Okay, the cat is out of the bag, it was ME!!! I had to process everything before I could say anything about it. I was going ballistic at first thinking "I have not had a baby in 11 years, what am I thinking?" Then reality set in and now I am so excited I can barely stand myself! I am not due til early April and will keep everyone posted. The number one question I have been getting is "I bet you hope it is a boy" Both the hubby and myself have no preference and will be pleased either way. We just pray for a healthy baby (just no twins please!) I certainly appreciate all your prayers as we take this crazy journey into parenthood all over again.

Free antibiotics!

Publix supermarket chain said it will make seven common prescription antibiotics available for free, joining other major retailers in trying to lure customers to their stores with cheap medications.The oral antibiotics, the most commonly filled at the chain's pharmacies, will be available at no cost to anyone with a prescription as often as they need them, Publix Chief Executive Charlie Jenkins Jr. said Fourteen-day supplies of the seven drugs will be available at all 684 of the chain's pharmacies in five Southern states.The prescription antibiotics available under the program are amoxicillin, cephalexin, penicillin VK, erythromycin, ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and ciprofoxacin.

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If anyone sends you this coupon via email, you might want to read this. For those of you that like to double dip (I do!) you better save yourself the embarrassment!

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