Family * Travel * Food

aaaahhhh!!! Snake!!!!

I had something happen to me this morning that scared me to the point that I thought I could be having a heart attack. Last night the hubby and I went to bed very late trying to get our internet and multiple digital phone lines straightened out and functional. We have been have experiencing a lot of problems with all of those things. We did not get to bed until about 2am and woke up at 6:45 cause hubby had a very important meeting to attend. Remember, I had very little sleep so I could not really see straight or comprehend things too easily. I snuck downstairs to my office to check my email like I normally do. Okay fine, I was also signing up for a couple free samples (I can't help myself!) :)

Anyway, I was getting up from my chair to walk upstairs to go on mom duty when I looked over at the trash can right next to me and this is what I saw.

~Now keep in mind, I was very sleepy and could not focus too well.

How sad that I thought it was a snake! In fact it was the old phone cord that I put in there last night. I screamed sooo loud that my kids thought there could be an intruder in the house or something just as bad. I could barely breathe for like 20 seconds. I felt so stupid afterwards. Now if my hubby was there he would have done a video blog post and probably talk so much trash about me. Now that is quite a way to wake up in the morning I have to say! I sure did not need coffee today!


Funny photo

I could not help it, I got this in an email and loved it! Good way to keep away unwanted guests!

Signs you were a child in the 70's

  • You made cakes in your Easy Bake Oven.
  • You made snow cones with your Snoopy Snow Cone Machine.
  • You made Shrinky-Dinks.
  • You used to tape record songs off the radio by holding your portable tape recorder up to the speaker.
  • You wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer. (top of my list!)
  • You thought Olivia Newton John's song, "Physical" was about aerobics.
  • You had the Donnie and Marie dolls.
  • You wore a poncho, gauchos, and knickers.
  • You had a crush on Deney Terrio from Dance Fever.
  • It was cool to have the "Dorothy Hamill" hairstyle.

Great kids

Yesterday I spent most of my day running my mother-in-law around to doctor appointments and left the girls at home. They had a job... babysitting daddy! Well, daddy worked late the night before so he had to take a much needed nap. This made the job easier for my girls. Well, I do not have your average children. Do you know what they did while I was out? They cleaned the house! Not just picking up a few things but they actually cleaned the house. Everything from washing and packing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, picking up, cleaning their bathroom, sweeping, and laundry! I did not even ask them to do it. I asked if there was something they wanted and they said "no, we just thought we would help out". Those girls have really made my month. I am just so blessed to have them and appreciate the young ladies they are growing up to be. I am taking them today to a couple places to let them pick out a few trinkets for the thoughtfulness they showed me. Here is a photo I snapped of them. They are going to be great moms and wives one day. Maybe 30 years from now if you leave it up to daddy! I love my babies!

Boys will be boys

We went to a birthday party the other night and the hostess had a bag of balloons for the kids. Look who got to the bag first...

The bad boy himself.
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