Science is not limited to the laboratories, the beauty of science is all around us all of the time – we simply do not realize it. Foodies use the power of chemistry to improve their recipes in a new and exciting way. By incorporating these impressive science hacks into your recipes, you will learn to cook or bake faster and better. Science can make a remarkable difference to the quality of your cooking, so implement these five hacks the next time you are in the kitchen:
1. Defrost A Turkey Faster
Improve your cooking by using the power of science. Thanksgiving isn’t the same without a turkey, namely the deliciously stuffed kind. The best turkey stuffing is made with stale bread, but that is a different topic. Defrost your turkey faster by running it under cold water. Moving water defrosts faster and quicker than just plopping it in a sink filled with water.
2. Pasteurize An Egg
You will never have to shy away from making a recipe that calls for raw eggs ever again. Reduce your chances of contracting salmonella poisoning by pasteurizing your eggs in the shells. You can do this by boiling them in water heated to 140F, but no higher than that, or the eggs will start to cook. You can store pasteurized eggs in the fridge, just like regular eggs. This process will reduce or eliminate the microbial growth of bacteria so you can make your favorite dish without any problems.
3. Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream
This fun liquid nitrogen experiment is a quick way to make delicious ice cream in no time. You need to be careful when experimenting with liquid nitrogen because it can cause injury if it is not properly used. This kind of ice cream is more delicious than regular ice cream because it is made quickly instead of slowly so it is notably silkier and smoother.
4. Perfect Eggs
Use the power of science to make perfect scrambled eggs. After many tests and trials, the consensus amongst the professionals for adding salt to eggs is to do it at the start. Beat the eggs together and add the salt, then leave the mix to rest for fifteen minutes before cooking them. Salt affects the taste of the dish and it also changes its chemical composition, so perfect timing is everything. Remember that with salt, cold enhances its saltiness and heat reduces it.
5. Pasta Like The Pros
The trick to cooking pasta like the professionals is to keep the water at a constant rolling boil. As pasta cooks, it rapidly releases starches that make it incredibly sticky. If your water is not at a boiling point, then your pasta will stick together and won't be properly cooked. By keeping it in rapidly boiling water, the pasta will be constantly moving so it won't stick together.
Cooking is a science of its own but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experiment with different types of science in the kitchen. Different sciences often work hand in hand to create a better result so you don’t need to be afraid to try new things.
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