If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, here are 4 steps you can take to manage it:
1. Have an Asthma Action Plan
An Asthma Action Plan is a written plan that details what symptoms you’ll need to look out for, medication to give for any emergencies, and plan of action to take in the case of an asthma attack. This plan should ideally be discussed with not just the family members and the child’s caregivers, but also with institutions that care for the child, such as a school or day care center.
2. Monitor your child's asthma symptoms
Asthma symptoms can tell you whether or not your child is doing well or if he might need special medical attention. This should be based on your Asthma Action Plan. Symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, coughing and wheezing, or even having trouble walking are all warning signs that not everything is alright with your child’s respiratory system. Emergency medication is sometimes necessary, depending on the severity of the symptoms.
3. Keep your child away from asthma triggers
Asthma triggers are substances, situations, or activities that can trigger symptoms of asthma to pop up, or worse, cause an asthma flare-up or attack. Examples of these triggers are allergens like dust, insects, and pollen. Stress and strenuous activities can also trigger attacks.
Avoid triggering your child’s asthma by keeping your house clean, installing air filters to screen out pollen or dust as well as avoiding stressful/exhausting activities.
4. Make sure your child gets exercise and maintains a healthy weight
Although strenuous activities are asthma triggers, ample exercise is a must for children with asthma as this can help strengthen their stamina and keep their weight down to a healthy level. Along with a healthy diet, you can ensure your child’s immunity and prevent asthma attacks.
There’s no known complete cure for asthma, but its symptoms can certainly be managed through proper planning and lifestyle changes. For a more detailed guide on childhood asthma, you can check out this useful infographic from Filter Buy.
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