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William updates

William is one busy little fella. He is maturing more and more and has made some big strides in his speech... He can now speak in short sentences! We are noticing that he is working harder to pronounce his letter sounds more fluently and is adding to his vocabulary daily. We can sit in the car and I can ask him to repeat a series of words and he will try his best to do it. He is taking directions very well and I get him to participate in a lot of things around the house to help himself more. It's been so busy with the girls involved in volleyball and he has to get dragged around from school to school. So far he is doing pretty well and seems to enjoy watching the games way more than last year. He used to cry every time I would clap and cheer. Now he chimes in and gets into a frenzy of excitement. It sure makes for a more enjoyable experience. It is really funny how as a parent you wonder when certain milestones will be met and if certain things will ever happen for your child. I am glad I am a patient woman and know that everything happens in its own time. I am grateful for a healthy, smart and happy little boy. Oh and by the way, I am officially a mom to a 14 & 16 year old. Brie turned 14 on the 7th and Chardie turned 16 today. It still astonishes me some days that I am a mom to three. I am one lucky gal :)
Shelly, Mom Files


  1. The more I hear you talk about William, the more he sounds like a kindred spirit to Gabe. I'd love to see them together one day.

  2. Kudos to William for all of these awesome strides! That must be so exciting that he is talking now! Cant wait for Chase to get there. Sometimes I know he gets frustrated that we can't understand what he is trying to say all the time. I will try to practice patience though, as you have.

    Happy Birthday to the girls!!!!

  3. Wow! Their birthdays ar so close! How did you manage that? LOL COngrats on Williams milestones & you'll see so many more. My son is 9 now & no one will ever know that he even had to take speech for 1yr. I think it was all in timing.

  4. so cute!!!! I am glad he's enjoying the time out cheering on his big sisters!
    you are the proud momma of teenagers! they are very sweet young ladies! very blessed to have you and dwayne as their parents! :)


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