I know you are wondering why we are thanking you. It is because of all the feedback you have given us on our new look. Whether you commented through the blog,
Facebook or personal email it has been greatly appreciated. We really weren't sure what our readers might think since it is so bold and different from what it has been over the past couple years. However, it seems to be unanimous that everyone likes the new look and it is here to stay! Of course we couldn't have done it without two talented young mommies, Sheena from
Mommydaddyblog for designing the logo and Jen from
Keep it Classy, Jen for making our header. If you are looking to spruce up your blog then I would certainly recommend either of these awesome ladies! We are so happy with the look of the blog and it really is what we envisioned when we started Momfiles.
We wish you all a fantastic weekend!!!
Love You!