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5 Places to Meet New Mom Friends in New York City

New York City is one of the most popular places on earth. The hustle and bustle of the Big Apple never stops. Traffic rages, pedestrians travel, and the city lights burn right through the night. Raising a baby in New York City is no easy feat, doing it requires a support group.
Photo by Ralph Chang from Pexels 
Many new people that have relocated to New York City fond it challenging to meet new friends, so finding your new mom squad may be tough. However, if you know your way around and where to go, then there are plenty of places you can visit that will present you with the opportunity to make new mom friends. Here are five ways you can meet new friends in the world’s most famous city.

#1 Parks and Playgrounds
Bridge Park Pier 6 in Brooklyn, Union Square Playground, Bleecker Playground in Manhattan, and Hudson River Park Pier 25 are great places to meet new moms. Remember to keep your eyes on your child at all times but when they are digging in the sandbox or playing on a swing set, take the opportunity to strike up a conversation with a mom nearby. Some of the most fabulous friendships are made in the playground.

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#2 Online Mom Chatrooms
Social media has connected us in a way that gives us instant access to social groups at the click of a mouse. Join up with some local New York City mom’s groups. Astoria parents, UES Mommas, and Madison Square Park Moms are all fantastic Facebook groups filled with hundreds of friendly moms that are always willing to help out. As you get to know people, you will discover moms that live nearby, and you can arrange to meet for coffee and discuss a playdate for your kids.

#3 New Mom Support Groups
There are many pre-birth classes available across the city. Signing up for a course will expose you to new moms that are thrilled to be experiencing the miracle of childbirth as much as you are. You will all have something in common already, and if you make a friend your kids could end up growing up together as best buddies. Check out your local listings online or visit the nearest YMCA for a class schedule.

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#4 Get Social at Playgroups
Getting your kids into playgroups as early as possible will have tremendous benefit for their social development. Children love to watch and learn, so if you get involved at the playgroup chatting with other parents, you are laying the foundation for your child’s personality to be open and friendly.

#5 Make Friends at the Pediatrician’s office
If you’re waiting at the pediatrician’s office for your child’s latest checkup, start a conversation with the moms sitting around you. Before you open your conversation, ensure you read the body language and facial expressions of the parents sitting around you. This brief assessment will give you a good idea of their emotional state; not everyone is at the pediatrician's office with good news.

The Final Tip
It’s important to get out with your child, so if you are struggling to meet your household obligations and spend quality time with your kid, consider hiring a cleaning service to assist you with the housework. Cleaning services are experts at cleaning good for health purposes, giving you more free time to spend with your kids.
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