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Are You Text Savvy?

Do you like text messaging? I do. I find it to be quite a convenience at times when I can't physically make a phone call in order to relay a message to someone. Now I do however have problems when I get a text from a younger person and can't decipher what the heck they are saying. I received a list of definitions in an email for what I call shorthand for teens. This helped me a lot! My hubby calls this shorthand or abbreviated style the dumbing down of today's young people. I do admit I personally use the ttyl, brb and lol but that is about it~! Check out the list for yourself may learn something you did not know!
(Dang, my spellchecking function has this post all lit up!!)

AFAIK - as far as I know
ASAP - as soon as possible
B4N - bye for now
BBS - be back soon
BFN - bye for now
BRB - be right back
BTW - By the way
CUL - see you later
DQMOT - don't quote me on this
EOM - end of message
FWIW - for what it's worth
FYI - for your information
GL - good luck
GMTA - great minds think alike
HT - hi there
HTH - hope this helps
IAC / IAE - in any case / in any event
IMO - in my opinion
IMS - I am sorry
JK - just kidding
JMO - just my opinion
JTLYK - just to let you know
LOL - laughing out loud
NP - no problem
OTOH - on the other hand
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
TA - thanks again
TIA - thanks in advance
TTYL - talk to you later
TU - thank you
UW - you are welcome
WTG - way to go
WU? - what's up?
YBS - you'll be sorry
YW - you are welcome
And for the record, I am a very cool mom even if I don't understand text messages!

Wordless Wednesday


Random Things About Our Mom

This post is coming from Chardonnay and Briahnna (daughters of Sheliza or some people call her Shelly)

There are a lot of things that you may or may not know about our mom and we are here to tell you those things.

1) Her nickname is "Bawbi". We have been calling her that since we were babies.

2) She likes beer,and today at the grocery store, she was smiling and saying "Ooh" at a case of raspberry pomegranate beer.(YUCK!)

3) She lets us watch "Desperate Housewives" with her on Sunday nights. We love that show!

4) Once, when she was pregnant, she ate seven slices of pizza! That's a lot of pizza for one person, don't you think?! Well, maybe not for a sumo wrestler.

5) She always uses immaculate grammar! She will say certain words in a sentence that I have no clue what they mean. Makes me wanna (oh, I mean want to) carry a pocket dictionary everywhere I go!

6) She completely corrupts herself when the car radio is actually working.

7) When she was pregnant, she had this pair of jeans that looked really lame, so we called them "the lame jeans".

8) Her favorite children's television show is "ICarly" and she wouldn't mind having her hair styled like Carly. (Miranda Cosgrove)She even almost cried on an episode when Carly and her brother were going to be separated for good.

9) Her nickname for "American Idol" is "American Atrocity" (which of course we totally disagree)!

10) When our Dad said that the bath tub, was blocked up, Bawbi decided to take action. She kept pouring in plunging soap, and plunged till she couldn't take it anymore. Then, she realized that the switch to fill up the tub was up, so that was why water filled up in the tub. She felt so dumb afterwards.

So, as you can see, our mom is probably not the person that you thought that she was.

Wordless Wednesday

Sleepy faces!


Been there, done that

I was thinking the other day about how we grow as parents. I realized that once you have been there and done that, you get over a lot. For instance,

First child (been there)-You must have an overall theme with every piece of equipment to match...the crib, changing table, carseat, stroller, high chair, bouncer, bedding, mobile, walker, and the list goes on... Oh yeah, and you would dare not use the hand-me-downs! Only the newest and fanciest for your precious new bundle of joy. A good 4 outfit changes for the day should suffice. You sterilize and sanitize every surface to keep those pesky germs away. Even a trip to the grocery store requires you to pack that baby bag like you are going away for a week!

Second baby (done that)- Okay, maybe we don't need all the stuff we had with the first one. Your bed can double as a changing table...and 2 outfit changes per day should do the trick. Hand-me-downs are not half bad! Maybe a couple germs will not hurt this one so let's not go overboard with sanitizing. The baby bag this time around does not look like luggage!

Third baby (I'm so over it!)- Hand-me-downs are a must! Outfits only get changed if they get dirty or wet. Sanitizing?? (maybe just for a little while so I don't look like a bad mom!) Baby bag? I almost forget that thing every time we walk out the door!

I guess you can say that we have evolved!!
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