Hi there! It has been a while since I have posted a personal update. Like most households, we had a bout of the plague run through here, so I have been taking care of sick family members for almost 2 weeks. Thankfully everyone is healthy again and back to work/school. The littlest one wasn't affected for which I am so grateful. We worry the most when the younger ones get sick.
I have been getting a lot done at home for the most part. We have quite a few small house projects we are working on, and hope to get them all done before the end of the year. The husband and I have been DIYing a lot of things. YouTube is a life-saver when you're not quite sure what you're doing. Unfortunately home-ownership means you are forever repairing or replacing things. As soon as you fix one thing, something else wants to fall apart. You can't win, but that's life!
With all of the crazy life-stuff going on in the past few weeks, I almost forgot a major milestone. Mom Files is officially 11 years old! *throws confetti*
I would not have imagined that I would keep it up for this many years. I won't lie, I've wanted to shut down shop time and time again. Somehow, this blog and my social media connections have kept me going for so many years. It's nice having my itty-bitty piece of the vast virtual-world where I have made so many friends. I want to thank you all for sticking around for so long. I guess we will see what happens next. Stay tuned...