Although many of us might prefer to take things one day at a time, our financial future is important. It’s not always about how much we make, but rather, how we spend and save the money we already have.
However, since the introduction of credit cards and loans, many individuals around the world have been spending not only more than they currently have in their bank account but more than what they can afford to pay back in time. In fact, just in America alone, the amount of debt Americans accumulated in 2018 hit a record of $13.21 trillion.
While the whole “buy now, pay later” approach to purchasing a product or service is something we can all take advantage of, the deeper we dig ourselves into debt, the worse the consequences. High-interest rates, a declining credit score, and heavy stress are just some of the disadvantages.
If you’re looking to get rid of your debt fast, you’ve come to the perfect source. Try some of the following tips to help get your finances back in order.
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Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash |
Not everyone with debt is bad with their finances. Regardless, it’s a good idea to put yourself on a financial budget. This way, you can ensure your income is enough to cover not just your bills but other necessities in your life including food, gasoline or other transportation costs, and other vital expenses.
To start a personal budget, you must first decide how much you spend on a monthly basis and where exactly that money goes to. From then, you can figure out what percentage of your income should go to what. Ranking your expenses from most to least important is also a wise idea to get a better understanding of your finances.
2. Try the debt snowball method
Many people have tried the debt snowball method of tackling debt and found that it works for them. It might just work for you as well. This five-step technique involves listing all of your credit card debts in terms of the amount owed and paying off the smaller debts first, especially the ones with the largest interest rates.
Over time, you’ll notice that the number of debts you have will diminish faster. On top of that, seeing how quickly these debts are diminishing will psychologically act as a motivator to get rid of those bigger, peskier debts. It’s usually not until you see this progress that you feel more encouraged to continue doing what you’re doing.
3. Downgrade your vehicle
When you’re deep in debt to the point where you can hardly keep up, one of the quickest ways to tackle such is to sell your current vehicle and then use part of that profit to purchase a cheaper, used vehicle while using the rest of the money to pay off debt.
Especially if one has a newer vehicle they’re still paying off, one might simply sell this vehicle altogether to get rid of their monthly auto payments and wait until a more financially-feasible time to consider purchasing another vehicle.
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Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash |
There’s no rule that says you must pay exactly your bills’ monthly minimum payments each month. In fact, there’s a reason why they’re called monthly minimums: because that’s the minimum, not the maximum, payment a lender expects you to pay by a specific due date.
However, if you currently have the cash to do so, it’s a good idea to pay more than your monthly minimum payment, even if it’s just $10 more each time. Every dollar counts and the extra you pay off adds up over time. This is an especially great tip if some of your debts are already close to being paid off.
In the end, you could end up not only getting out of debt quicker but saving more money in the long run. Meanwhile, the more you drag on paying your dues over time, the more interest you’ll end up having to pay.
5. Go through your belongings, and sell what you don’t need
As hard as it might be for some people when you have debts to pay off, chances are, you’ll be needing more money to do so. Some folks may be left with no choice but to go through their stuff and sell what they no longer want or need. Unwanted clothing, old furniture in the basement, and extra home decor are all things you might want to sell.
These items can be sold in person at garage sales, directly sold to family members or friends, may even be sold online.
6. Cut the luxury expenses
Every one of us has some sort of luxury expenses whether it be getting our nails done every few weeks or going to the movies every Friday night. Even going out to dinner versus eating on a budget at home can be considered a luxury expense.
Your job is to figure out which luxury expenses you’re paying for and deciding which are the least important. As you’re paying off your debt, temporarily cut off some of your luxury expenses, that is, until you’re financially able to get back on your feet.
7. Consider consolidating your debt
If you have a lot of debt to tackle and several different payments to make on a monthly basis, debt consolidation can be a great way to get out of debt quicker. With just one due date per month, smaller monthly payments, and a lower interest rate, debt consolidation might just be your go-to option for obtaining better finances.
Do you need help getting out of debt as soon as possible? Get help at
At some point, most of us will have to use a credit card, take out a loan, or even occasionally borrow money from family members or friends. However, there comes a point where the amount of borrowing we do starts to pose significant problems.
No matter how much debt you’ve accumulated so far, the good news is, you can start tackling it now. From creating a financial budget to considering consolidating your debt, there are numerous ways you can quickly banish your daunting debt to lead a more financially-sound life.