These amazing cells are the smallest one in our blood and are able to be seen only from a microscope. They have the shape of small plates, thus their name. When one cuts a blood vessel due to various causes, they quickly receive an alarm signal which puts them in formation to stop the bleeding. Under a microscope, they form just like small tentacles to bond together in order to repair the damaged vessel.
Healthy Platelets are Extremely Important
One of the many problems our blood vessels can encounter is a sudden drop in platelets, which might lead to some serious bleeding if the problem is not addressed immediately to a medic. One should take into account the fact that blood diseases are extremely dangerous and are potentially life-threatening if not taken care of appropriately.
Such diseases are extremely dangerous and usually signal the fact that something is terribly wrong with our blood and have a worrying potential to significantly damage our bodies. On the other hand, having too many platelets will lead to the formation of unwanted blood clots which have a serious threat regarding our lives when taking into account that such clots can reach our brain and slowly damage it.
Few Platelets Disease
When one person has too few platelets the disease is called thrombocytopenia and there are a lot of symptoms to take into account as individuals are extremely prone to bruising and encounter frequent bleeding from their gums as well as nose. Such drops in platelets are encountered when a few factors such as inherited conditions as well as medication and too much alcohol happen.
Such conditions can easily be inherited and if one of the members has it, one is advised to immediately alert a doctor if such events occur. The most common blood-thinning medication is aspirin but recent studies have shown that it is too ineffective to completely cure such problems.
Diseases related to platelets are extremely dangerous as they have the potential to put your life at risk and should be immediately addressed if one presents the aforementioned symptoms. We strongly recommend getting regular checks at your doctor in order to make sure that one stays safe from such conditions which may put your life at risk.
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