Tea and coffee are the drinks of choice for many people today. Traditionally, coffee was made from granules, although in recent years, coffee machines have become more popular in Britain, and for a good reason. Coffee machines simply make a better cup of coffee. However, with so many models on the market, it can be hard to choose the right one. This is why we have put together the following guide; keep reading to learn more.
Cafetiere/French Press
A cafetiere, or French press as it is sometimes known, is one of the simplest coffee machines. It is a glass jug with an inbuilt wire mesh that works as a plunger. Allow the coffee to brew for a few minutes before using the plunger to catch the grinds. They are relatively cheap and easy to use too. They are compatible with any ground coffee.
Capsule Coffee Machines
These are arguably the most popular form of coffee machines. They use disposable capsules or pods to create the coffee. It tends to be one pod per cup. They are really user-friendly and convenient to use. The brand of the machine will limit your choice in capsule. There are pod recycling schemes which lessen the environmental impact of these machines. Luckily, OnBuy has a huge range of coffee-making machines, which includes a number of the make and models listed above. So be sure to check them out.
Coffee Filter Machines
A coffee filter machine works by allowing hot water to drip slowly through ground coffee into a jug or a cup below. Depending on the size of the machine, it can make large quantities of coffee too. They are perhaps more ideal for those who want to drink coffee regularly throughout the day or in a house where there are several coffee drinkers. There is a range of models which hit all price points, and they again are compatible with any ground coffee.
Percolators work similarly to coffee filter machines, although in the opposite way. The water is pushed up through a tube to brew the coffee in a jug above the water tank. They are also traditionally used on a hob, although you can find electric models. Percolators cannot keep the coffee hot for a long time, and they also may overflow. They do make a great cup of coffee, but they tend to be quite strong. They again range in price and can be used with any ground coffee.
Espresso Machines
In essence, espresso machines are essentially smaller versions of the machines that baristas in coffee shops use. Depending on the model, they may also have a number of other features to explore, like milk frothers and different settings too. They can be tricky to master, and depending on the model; they may require a bean grinder. Some of the models are on the more expensive side, but you can still find affordable options. The type of coffee required would depend on the machine and whether you need ground or whole beans.
How to Choose?
Your choice will depend on a number of factors, including your budget, the size of your household, how much time you have and what type of coffee you prefer. This is why doing research is key. You might even want to consider the aesthetics of your home and which machine will go best with your kitchen and general interior design style.
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