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Understanding Reverse Mortgage Talk

Retirement is supposed to be a fun and relaxing time for people. If you don’t pay attention to the financial side of things in the years leading up to it, you could find yourself in a rough spot when that time arrives. A reverse mortgage is one of the most sound ways of getting around the financial strains that come with retirement. When you first start investigating, there may be some terms and concepts you are not familiar with. Do not panic! We want to help you by breaking down the basics. 

Finding the value of your home

During the duration of your home ownership years, you most likely will make improvements to your property. This is one of several factors that could influence the overall value of the home. Others might include how old the home is, whether or not the area the home is located in is considered desirable, and if you still have an active mortgage on the house. 

Understanding a Reverse Mortgage Calculator 

The reverse mortgage calculator is a central component of the reverse mortgage application process. It is a subjective way for the bank (or any other lender) to determine how much money you can borrow in the form of a reverse mortgage. Because government has implemented laws that prevent you from borrowing the full value amount of your house, the reverse mortgage calculator will help to determine what percentage of that you will be able to borrow. It calculates the value and the applicable percentage.

But what is an HECM, then?

The concept of reverse home loan comes down to the fact that the surety of the bond is linked to your house, and that the loan can provide you with a source of money each month for as long as you choose to live in the house, as opposed to a traditional loan, where you would have been liable for paying the loan back in monthly payments during the course of its validity. 

HECM is very similar. It stands for home equity conversion mortgage, and it is also a reverse loan, but what makes it different is that it is issued by a federal agency and not by banks. The chief difference is that an HECM is insured by government, whereas a privately-issued reverse mortgage is not. 

Receiving your reverse home loan money

One of the most popular ways of doing this is to take it out as a line of credit. Another is to opt for being paid out all in one go, as a lump sum payment. There is also the option of taking receipt of your money in the form of monthly payments of equal value. Many people like this option, as the prospect of a predictable amount coming in monthly gives them a way to budget these funds. Of course, the same applies as if you were drawing a regular salary: you’ll have to keep your spending in check to prevent running out of money!

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