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Stay-at-home Jobs – Some People Love Them, Some Don’t (Guest Post)

Working from home is a subject that is met with both positivity and negativity for different reasons. While some believe that it is a great thing that people are able in this day and age to complete their work duties from the comfort of their own homes, other consider that this is not a beneficial thing due to the fact that it brings with it some disadvantages.  Both sides could be considered correct depending on which you choose to lean on. However, it wouldn’t hurt to have some arguments for both for and against working from home. Many people want to learn more about what it means to work from home and they would surely love a couple of reasons for which it’s a good or bad idea. If you’ve already decided that you want to work from home you can try this out.

Let’s go on and see what the disadvantages are. We’re starting with the negative aspects then hop over to the pluses to see which side makes a better point. In the end you can draw a line and decide whether or not a stay-at-home job would suit you.
  • You don’t get to chat with your office friends if you work from home. If that’s something you like doing, this may be considered a downside
  • You have to constantly find the willpower to start work each day since there’s no schedule to tell you that you have to start at a precise hour
  • It can be challenging to maintain the same work ethic when there is no one around to correct you or your work
  • Speaking of correcting work, your boss won’t see how hard you are in fact working and will only judge you based on your number, so if you don’t put out the same performance each day he’ll think you’re slacking
  • You have to re-arrange a significant deal of space in your home to accommodate your home office especially if you have a lot of things that you need around you for work

Now that we’ve seen what the downsides are to working from home, let’s take a look at the positive aspects.
  • You can save up a lot of money on gas and other expenses that come up when you have to commute to work
  • You get to spend more time home with your family and also take care of the household more since you can set your own schedule to a certain degree
  • You can work without distractions like office chatter and commit fully to your tasks for the day
  • You can sleep in more since you don’t have to wake up as early to get to the workplace
  • You can wear whatever you want and sit in whichever position you see fit so that you are in your most comfortable state

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