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Women- Can't we just be happy with what we have?

I love my kids' beautiful bi-racial hair. Their curls are so fun and versatile. They can do so much with their hair unlike mine. If I try to make it do anything it ends up sliding out of the style. Chardie is the typical 16 year old girl obsessed with her hair and looking in every mirror she walks by. She does not care for her natural curls. She opts to straighten it with the CHI flat iron.

Look at how much hair this girl has!! Now this photo is of her brushed out hair so it's not normally poofy like that. When she puts more moisturizer in it her curls are amazing.

Here's what it looks like with the first few bottom layers straightened.

Here's the finished product.

I always tell my girls how lucky they are that they can go straight or curly and always look pretty. They both feel that straight hair is better. Geez, what I wouldn't give for some curls! I guess no matter what your age is, most women always want the opposite of what they have when it comes to hair.

Shelly, Mom Files


  1. Pascha Dudley4/07/2011 8:12 PM

    *sigh* Sad truth to much of what you write.

  2. Chardie's hair is soooo purty!! I LOVE it!

    But you are right - we always want the opposite of what we have! I guess the grass just seems so much greener over there, eh?! But Chardie is good to go, as she can easily go curly or straight and essentially has the best of both worlds! :-)

  3. She has gorgeous hair. And, at her age, I desperately wanted my hair to be straight too. It took growing up for me to appreciate what I have. That said, I totally need a flat iron to play with.

  4. I wish I could have curly hair. I have tight kinky hair that is hard to manage. I haven't relaxed my hair since 2004. I have wanted to wear it natural but it is hard to manage. I have learned about natural hair options. But my hair fell out due to stress and I wear wigs.

    If I had hair that I could just wash and moisturize I would be cool and it curls up. I have dry hair that has a mind of its own. Chardie has beautiful curls.

  5. Wow, just LOOK at that head of hair! I'd LOVE to have curls like that, but alas, like yours, my hair is very temperamental and really doesn't hold a curl worth a darn!

  6. I'd love to have curls like that. My hair is straight.

    but...... the grass is always greener on the other side :D

  7. Ha, I see that this is a post from 2011! So I hope the girls have learned to embrace their natural curls now. The natural hair movement is in full effect and a plethora of products readily available to maintain your natural curls. SheaMoisture is the #1 brand right now, and sleuth of natural hair blogs, etc. Twitter and Instagram #naturalhair.


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