Family * Travel * Food

Do you have time to care?

Just curious...

Do you often say "I don't have any time".

I was talking to a friend of mine on this subject a couple weeks ago. We discussed how people often say they have no time. Now, when you have to go to work... you set your alarm clock, you lay out your clothes, you grab something quick to eat and you run out the door so you are not late for work. (Maybe it's not always done that way but you get what I'm saying) We do this because it is our responsibility. You and your family depend on that paycheck. Now what if you get a call and someone wants to get together for coffee or would like to drop by for a quick visit. I bet in the back of your mind you think "I don't have time for this. I work and have responsibilities. I'll just make an excuse to get out of it." I think we all do this at times, we are all human after all. My point about this is that we only make time for what is important to ourselves.

How long does it actually take to send an email that you can type up in less than a minute while paying your bills or checking your email?

How hard is it to call someone you care about and tell them you only have a couple minutes to talk, but you wanted to see how they were doing?

How much time does it take to send a text message to say hello?

I'm not always the best at keeping in touch with everybody and their mamas, but I do give the effort for those I care about and sometimes for people I have never even met. Yes, I have 3 kids, a husband, a home, bills, responsibilities and so on... I still take time for others even if it's for 2 minutes. Those 2 minutes can speak volumes to someone.

With all that being said, I challenge you to pop an email, a text or a quick call to someone you have not done your best to keep in touch with. After all, life is not just about you.

My part-time job

I have been working on my new part-time during the past few weeks in order to make some extra cash in my pocket. It seems as if Summer break mean an extra $50 plus on my grocery bill each week. I had to do something that did not require working outside of my home. I am making gourmet baskets for businesses. I will pretty much only work with businesses because most people don't want to spend what I have to charge in order to make a profit. I am having fun doing it and the kids enjoy watching me be creative. Here is the latest basket I put together...


Flashback Friday

This is one of those cheesy felt hanging posters you get made at carnivals and fairs. This one was done almost 15 years ago (a few months before we got married). We keep it hanging in our upstairs hallway.

Wordless Wednesday


Quick William post

William went to the pediatrician today for his 4 month check up and I figured he would weigh about 15 pounds and change. How about big boy weighs 17 lbs 2 oz!!! He's 27" long. The doc seemed very happy with his growth. She said he is definitely ready for solid foods. I admitted that I have been doing that for a few weeks now. I thought I was going to be in trouble and she might try to put him on a diet (Even if she did, I don't listen to doctors anyway). She said I seem to have a handle on things and I was doing the right thing. He has been cranky because if his vaccines so he has been fused to me most of the day. That's all for now...
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